Calling all conservatives — “Academia and Hollywood are seeking a coup” – Mark Levin – IOTW Report

Calling all conservatives — “Academia and Hollywood are seeking a coup” – Mark Levin

Mark Levin is seeking an end to all right-wing rhetoric that aids in the delegitimizing of Trump and to for them to cease adding fuel to the left’s dream of, perhaps, unseating Donald Trump.

Yes, Levin was a Trump detractor, but that was during the perfectly acceptable election period. Now that Trump will be the next president, and has, so far, assembled a right-wing cabinet, is securing the border, repealing Obamacare and pretty much being all that his supporters expected him to be, Levin is asking all available troops to rally around Trump.

Being a sentinel for the constitution is our job. Keeping a watchful eye and responding if Trump goes afield of our principles is our job. Participating in creating an overall negative pall upon the administration with stupid, derogatory nicknames, reposting unsubstantiated claims with glee because you’re still trying to vindicate your myopic predictions, salivating at the prospect that a collapse is just around the corner because Trump is “unfit for command,” makes you an ally of the left.


ht/ rob e.


ht/ rob e.


30 Comments on Calling all conservatives — “Academia and Hollywood are seeking a coup” – Mark Levin

  1. Mark Levin is accepting Trump as the next President, and wants to stop the name-calling, the detractors, etc. He probably also voted for Trump, once he was the selected candidate….

    What more do you want from him? Stop criticizing those who are actually standing by the future President, no matter who they supported during the primary season. That goes for Ted Cruz also, a good man who I hope still has a bright future ahead of him.

  2. Just the other day I thought to listen to Levin for the first time in many months. I listened for about five minutes before he began trashing Trump. Sure, it wasn’t as vicious as in the primaries and still during the run up to the election, but he is still doing it. Like McCain – he’s just being a good citizen and keeping things “honest”.

    Heh. Screw Levin. He can’t crawl on his belly long enough nor far enough to make me believe he is even genuinely neutral on Trump.

  3. I did up vote you Loretta, wishing to point out, there is only one derogatory comment before your comment. It was a little school yard humour, eh? We have no fear of Amy Schumer stealing our stuff it. Well, except Talcum X.
    That said, around here, it’s the same as O’Baja’s ‘scandal free’ tenure.

  4. If we apply the same unwaivering criteria to Levin as Levin continually applies to Trump there’s only one way to take this guy. His ratings are sagging and he’s trying the big reset. Have you listened to his callers lately?

  5. joe6pak, I swear some of them need to stop mid sentence to wipe the drool of their chin. Bottom line Levin and others rejected any notion of Trump because he wasn’t a “Real” conservative, what ever the hell that means. I choose to reject Levin and company because they’re not real realistic.

    In the words of that great scholar Mick Jagger, “You Can’t always get what you want, Yada Yada”

    DJT is exactly what we needed. To late to the party pal. Drift.

  6. Hey, I’m as good at Alinsky-ese as the next smart, real conservative. If Levin wants to offer himself up as an useful idiot it’s no skin off my nose. You go, Mark Levin! I’ll never trust him again but, hey, pursuit of happiness and all that, right?

  7. If Mark had not of sounded exactly like Ericka Erickson during the primaries about Trump he might be believed.

    My Dad even used to like Levin but all that Trump bashing turned him off.

  8. My love/hate for Levin mirrors his like/hate for DJT. I’d like to hear a full show of his that isn’t negative toward Trump-just one- as he’s had plenty the other way round. I listen occasionally now but have 9/10 times opt for Laura Ingraham podcasts during Levin’s radio time slot instead.

  9. RINO Frauds levin and cruzio thought they would join forces and take down Trump and Savage, What they didn’t count on was that Trump and Savage and the fans of these two excellent men would go on the attack too.
    America has no time to allow another charlatan and his flunkies attempt to destroy our Country. Worthless fuking Goldman Sachs Heidi and her crafted plan for her teddy to be king of the North American Union, and radio PR man fake “conservative” Levin.
    cruzio doesn’t belong anywhere near American Government, He’s not a “Conservative” or a Constitutionalist Expert/Scholar..All of Levin’s advertisers and stations should be boycotted.
    This is our chance to upright our ship America.

  10. “Trust, but verify” that Trump will do the right thing (which he has so far), but hold his feet to the fire if he betrays us. Ann Coulter has said the very same thing, and she’s been a Trumpster from the git go.

    If Levin doesn’t reflexively say that Trump! is always right all the time (cult of personality) will this website throw him under the bus?

    As a wise man once told me, the primaries are over.

  11. “If Levin doesn’t reflexively say that Trump! is always right all the time (cult of personality) will this website throw him under the bus?”

    See that right there is exactly the point. Trump is not going to be 100% right. I would not be shocked at all to see this very sight call him out on some issues. The point is he will do far more good, and be correct more times, than anybody else that was running for President.
    Trumpster’s, as you put it are realists. We are not blindly following some Pagan God. I could name a few groups that might fall into that category. Every small business man you meet will most likely fit into your Trumpster category.

  12. I’m glad Levin is regaining his sanity. However, I still think he is out of touch with a lot of Americans in flyover country. He was pompous and dismissive of Trump supporters and mocked us on many occasions. He needs to make amends for that.

  13. I start with the premise that no politician is going to be tailor made to my needs.
    I find the charges that anyone here is a sycophant who “won’t tolerate Trump criticism” laughable.
    I criticize Trump all the time, mainly for his Twitter antics.
    I want him to realize he has bigger fish to fry than the people who are intentionally trying to get under his skin.

    He is an Alpha, for sure, but he does have a thin skin.

    Now, having said this, I recall being pig piled if I ever said ONE THING about Ted Cruz.
    So, I’m not all that impressed with people who claim that “this site” won’t tolerate Trump criticism, especially if they are still pining for Cruz while poking a Trump Voodoo Doll with safety pins.

  14. Oh, and I’m not at all a grudge holder when it comes to politics.
    I will take anyone at anytime who is willing to move the ball in the direction I want it moved.
    Doesn’t mean they have my undying trust forever, it means here and now, today, I can use you for my wants and needs.

    If Levin says things I like that I can use to shame the people who still listen to Levin and hate Trump, I’m going to use it.

  15. used to be one of Levin’s biggest fans. listened to him, subscribed to his podcasts, stood in line for hours at his book-signings, brought multiple copies for friends & relatives …. sadly, no more.

    from a man who could not say one derogatory word against GW Bush, Chaney, Rumsfeld, et. al., to a man who can’t stop saying, nightly, derogatory words against DJ Trump … he just can’t help himself; he’s worse than Krauthammer.

    any words he can say to support Trump, I accept. but, I will not bring myself to go back to being a supporter of Levin …. & the reality saddens

    … fool me once, shame on you … fool me twice ……

  16. ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, Yep, If I can’t trust you get off my team bitch. The Scoop regards him as a God. If he turns that looney bin around more power to him. Doubt if that will ever happen, after all, the Scooo turned on their Dash Board Jesus, Ted Cruzer in a heart beat.

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