Calling All Sharks! Calling All Sharks! – IOTW Report

Calling All Sharks! Calling All Sharks!

Obama is into water sports.

28 Comments on Calling All Sharks! Calling All Sharks!

  1. No self-respecting cold-blooded bottom feeder would dare bite a fellow traveler like 0bama. If nothing else, he wouldn’t do it out of a sense of professional courtesy to one of his own!

  2. Millions of people have bigger smiles of joy that Obama is no longer president. However, the leftists snowflakes have chosen to charge down the road of ignorance, hate, violence, and chaos. Their loss.

  3. Sorry, I have to bring this back from yesterday…

    “One of the first stories Barack told me when he and Michelle arrived on Moskito Island was how, just before he became President, he had been surfing on a dangerous break in Hawaii. When he came in from an exhilarating session, the new head of his security team turned to him and said: “This will be the last time you surf for eight years.” For the next eight years he didn’t have the chance to surf, enjoy watersports or do many of the things he loved.”

  4. Perhaps obongo can enjoy some watersports during his next visit to Russia–I’m sure Juan McShitstain can provide the name of a good hotel where he can partake, or he can just ask the FBI.

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