Calls Mount for WHO Chief to Resign – IOTW Report

Calls Mount for WHO Chief to Resign

WFB: Calls are mounting in Congress for the World Health Organization’s director-general to resign following allegations his group aided China’s efforts to obfuscate the number of coronavirus cases in the country.

WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who goes by Dr. Tedros—though he is not a medical doctor—has repeatedly lauded China’s measures to contain the virus despite mounting evidence the communist regime has been less than forthcoming with the international community. A classified U.S. intelligence report recently concluded China lied about its internal spread and death toll.

Several Republican lawmakers told the Washington Free Beacon on Thursday recent events demonstrate Tedros is unqualified for his post.

“Dr. Tedros deceived the world,” Sen. Martha McSally (R., Ariz.) told the Free Beacon. “Since the very beginning of this crisis, Tedros has parroted Chinese government talking points, even praising the communist party’s ‘transparency’ during its coronavirus response efforts despite a mountain of evidence showing that the regime concealed the severity of the outbreak.” read more

15 Comments on Calls Mount for WHO Chief to Resign

  1. The WHO is run by a not-a-doctor and the UN is cool with that? We really need to bail on these people and let all the dictators large and small waste their own time and money. You wanna be treated like a first world country then become one.

  2. Maybe we should just get rid of WHO.

    And the United Nations along with it.

    I find it hard to show any genuine positive result from either, wherever the UN goes death and destruction follow closely behind.

  3. First, get that asshole out. Then defund the WHO. And get it out of the US if it has any offices here.

    Why did they pick that SOB anyhow? He is nothing but a a low grade functionary from a backass backward mess of a country.

    Current events indicate that we need a WHO like we need a fucking hole in the head.


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