Calvin and Hobbes is Looking Right At You Alexandria Occassional Cortex – IOTW Report

Calvin and Hobbes is Looking Right At You Alexandria Occassional Cortex

Watterson illustrates perfectly the folly of Democrat/Socialists in this classic comic.


ht/ left coast dan

17 Comments on Calvin and Hobbes is Looking Right At You Alexandria Occassional Cortex

  1. republishes Calvin and Hobbes every day including the large color Sunday comic strips. They even have Little Abner on there but no Pogo, darn. I read Calvin and Hobbes, B.C., Pearls Before Swine, Dilbert and Red and Rover there every morning.

  2. Boobie,

    Was going to direct you another site that has another reworking C & H with conservative slant and has done over a hundred and twenty of them to this point. Checked before putting the address here and find that most are now missing. If it gets straightened out with all returning I’ll post the address on one of the threads here.

  3. @Old_oaks
    “It doesn’t matter if she’s smart, she’s part of the free shit crowd, people love free shit.”

    THAR’S GOLD… in between them thar ears of hers!!! 😆


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