Campaign to Lower Voting Age to 16 Ignites a Debate – IOTW Report

Campaign to Lower Voting Age to 16 Ignites a Debate

Diogenes’MiddleFinger: Another important step towards lowering the age of consent for progressive sexual perverts and bolstering the ranks of Low-Fo Voters.
teens on phone

NYT – Turning 16, for many teenagers, means finally driving a car without supervision or starting the college search. Now, a new campaign is hoping to add the ability to vote in local elections to the milestones of that age.

The campaign, called Vote16USA, which will be announced on Wednesday, aims to lower the voting age to 16 from 18 to spur civic engagement by younger Americans. But the push, by a nonpartisan group based in New York called Generation Citizen, which seeks to promote youth participation in politics, is igniting a debate about voter competency, adolescent decision making and whether allowing younger people to vote is the best way to politically engage teenagers.  more here

15 Comments on Campaign to Lower Voting Age to 16 Ignites a Debate

  1. Between amnesty for illegals, refugees from the middle east and soon kids who’ve never paid a tax in their life the democratic party will soon be the official party of the U.S.

  2. Screw that, raise it to 25! If you can’t rent a car, you can’t vote!
    Time for this old chestnut:
    If you’re not a liberal when you are twenty, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re forty, you have no brain.

  3. Democrats only exist because there are so many uninformed voters. Lowering the age is just another ploy to bloat democrat voter rolls. Democrats are worried that if Republicans take charge there is a possibility dems will only be able to vote once, dead people will no longer be able to vote at all, and motor voters will no longer be able to vote in neighboring states after voting in their home states.

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