Campus police chief placed on leave for liking Trump tweets – IOTW Report

Campus police chief placed on leave for liking Trump tweets


A campus police chief placed on administrative leave for liking Donald Trump and NRA tweets?

From the day Trump was elected, the unloving, intolerant, and crybaby left went crazy — Cry-ins, safe spaces, canceled classes, screaming at the sky, pink hat marches, and riots in streets.

That’s how the left handles an election defeat. They freak out, throw tantrums, and lash out at those who support the president.

Since Election Day, there have been countless attacks on Trump supporters — young, old, male, female, black and white.

We’ve been called racist rednecks, bigots, sexists, and deplorable. Heck, we’ve even got otherwise irrelevant actors allegedly staging hate crimes against themselves to demonize Trump supporters.

There’s also been a concerted effort to drive Trump supporters out of restaurants, social media platforms, and jobs.

Even top NFL draft prospects feel pressured to stop supporting the president, vocally.

But it doesn’t end there.

Now, Daniel Hect, the newly appointed campus police chief at Mount Holyoke College, has been put on administrative leave.

Why? Well, the college claims:

“Over the past few weeks, members of our community have expressed concerns about the ability of Chief Daniel Hect to develop the level of trust required to engage in community policing.

In light of this, Chief Hect, who leads campus police at Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges, has been placed on administrative leave.”

By “concerns” do you mean students discovered Chief Hect liked pro-Trump, conservative, and NRA tweets on Twitter? BINGO!

And what were these horrible and triggering tweets?

Well, one was a “liked” NRA tweet wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

Another “liked” NRA tweet said, “If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.”

And buckle up folks, he also “liked” tweets from our president about the border wall. The audacity!


10 Comments on Campus police chief placed on leave for liking Trump tweets

  1. With twenty two years in Law Enforcement I am uniquely qualified to submit cops have no business being on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media. Defense Attorneys will shove it up you nose in court and you are putting your family at risk being “out there” where anybody can track you down.

  2. “With twenty two years in Law Enforcement I am uniquely qualified to submit cops have no business being on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media.” -Txn4Evr

    With over 41 years in LE I agree with you whole heartedly; social media is nothing but trouble for cops…unnecessary trouble. An unforced error.


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