Can I Get a Witness That Will Take Down Biden? – IOTW Report

Can I Get a Witness That Will Take Down Biden?

Daily Wire

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) said the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden has advanced to a stage in which witnesses should be placed under oath.

The speaker released a statement on Wednesday that said he had just received an update from Oversight Chairman James Comer (R-KY), who is leading the endeavor, and the two others tasked with assisting him: Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Ways and Means Chairman Jason Smith (R-MO). More

16 Comments on Can I Get a Witness That Will Take Down Biden?

  1. Maybe the Bidens are inbreds (Delaware hillbillies and nee’r do wells) just like the British Royal family and all their Royal cousins from Germany, France and Russia. Come to think of it joey does look like the retarded kid with the banjo from Deliverance.

  2. Oh shoot I farted! Republican’ts are only best suited for inter-party combat, put your dukes up partner. Your a rino, your a bigger rino. I support our cult leader, but I support him more! The orange can never be wiped off my lips, ever.

  3. Maybe the Bidens are inbreds? Well we all know Trump was bonkin his daughter Ivanka & paid for all her plastic upgrades. Inbreds? Just look how stupid Jr & Eric are, shit they couldn’t, together run a McDonald’s restaurant even if they tried.

  4. “very soon we are coming to a point of decision on it,”
    Right after the J6 tapes are released.
    Right after the truth is told about JFK.
    Right after the Epstein client list.
    Right after the truth about 9/11.
    Right after the truth about covid vaccines.
    Right after the truth about ……………..

  5. “We”, don’t ferget who kicked your cornbread loser outta the White House 2020. A nobody, a washed up old fart, kicked his sorryass into the netherland. But, butt it was stollen from our 5yr ole wannabe dicksucktaiter.

  6. The first thing that needs to be done is to take down the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media as they are the obedient propaganda arm of the National Socialist Party…
    AKA democRATz.

  7. Anxiety? That no one has put lead in his head yet. But when they take hie 250 mill, his New York properties, I & others will have to be happy (dancing in the streets) with the constellation prize.

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