Can we call them stranded now? – IOTW Report

Can we call them stranded now?

Patriot Retort:

Remember last week when Peter Doocy asked Jen Psaki about Americans stranded in Afghanistan and she got all huffy and righteous?

Oh, boy, but Leftie Twitter went bananas over Psaki’s righteous anger.

Yas Kween!!!! #PsakiBomb!!!

Full story:

11 Comments on Can we call them stranded now?

  1. This feckless asshole doesn’t care about stranded, whether on our southern border, Afghanistan, or future disaster location.

    He’s sleeping as we talk. Would Trump be sleeping?

  2. I heard 117,000 people got out.
    Only 5000-5500 were fellow Americans…
    I saw a Globe Master big frickin’ azz
    cargo plane packed like sardines with people.
    Not a 1 was American.

  3. It’s being reported on local news that our Rep. Markwayne Mullin has gone missing in Afghanistan. For starters I’m not a fan of his, he lied when he ran and said he would only serve three terms and then lied and said that wasn’t what he said when those three terms were up. He’s became way more wealthy than he was when he was elected. He’s had many questionable votes. He hugged the cowardly murderer of an unarmed woman and told him he did what he had to do.

    With all of that said they’re acting like he’s some rogue criminal in the reporting saying he was trying to get an embassy to help him illegally get cash into Afghanistan.

  4. Lemme guess: if we don’t call them “stranded”, then they’re not really stranded, are they? We’ll just call them “transportationally-deprived individuals” or something like that, but they’re definitely NOT “stranded”.

  5. Traitors – every single member and supporter of the Biden “administration.”
    This farce has gone on long enough.
    Hercules will clean the Augean stable of DC – but then demand the crown.
    A blood purge is required and there will be a wailing and gnashing of teeth previously unheard in America (whether them or us is impossible to say).
    The traitors are trying to drive us into despair, despondency, and defeat with their lies and omissions. We mustn’t allow them to prevail.

    “Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition!”

    izlamo delenda est …


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