Can You Play A Plastic Straw Like Peter Bastian? – IOTW Report

Can You Play A Plastic Straw Like Peter Bastian?

17 Comments on Can You Play A Plastic Straw Like Peter Bastian?

  1. A potato (ocarina) is basically an open flute (shaped like a weird football) as long as at least one hole is open, otherwise, it’s a stopped flute like a tibia organ pipe.

  2. I don’t know about straws, but was back when I was washing dishes the Formosan owner of the restaurant could play very Chinese sounding tunes by blowing through his hands with the plastic leaves of the fake tree he had next to the cash register held within for a reed…

  3. Even Peter Bastian doesn’t play a plastic straw like a double reed instrument.

    That’s fake. You can’t get a deep rich tone from that straw no matter how you blow it.

    Kind of surprised everyone isn’t picking up on that. Only took me the first note. I fast forwarded to the end to see if he revealed the sham. Nope.

    Total nonsense.

    Otherwise why would anyone need a wind instrument bigger than a piccolo? You’d just need to blow it differently.


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