Canada: Human Rights Tribunal awards $120K to Muslim who lied on job application and didn’t get the job – IOTW Report

Canada: Human Rights Tribunal awards $120K to Muslim who lied on job application and didn’t get the job

Jihad Watch:

“Though it is legitimate not to hire someone because they lied, if the reason they lied was to avoid discriminatory treatment, the tribunal held, the lie is justified and the question illegal.”

Would Muhammad Haseeb be getting $120,000 if he weren’t Muslim? And yet Muslims in Canada will still continue to claim that they are victims of “Islamophobia” and discrimination, even as they solidify their status as a protected class that must be catered to in all circumstances. MORE

11 Comments on Canada: Human Rights Tribunal awards $120K to Muslim who lied on job application and didn’t get the job

  1. I think when the SHTF and we are considering the targets that have to be hit in retaliation, and in defense of our country and our way of life, we would be neglecting a primary threat by not hitting the muzzies. They are a cancer to our society and we eventually have to face that reality.

  2. Then conceivably anyone can lie about anything if they can make a remotely plausible case that they were doing it to avoid some form of discrimination. Nice precedent you set there, Canada.

  3. So essentially he was awarded 120k (for 4 yrs it took to litigate + 15k punitive damages, roughly 26k/yr) for work not performed.

    We have the same system in the US…it’s called Welfare.

  4. @joe6pak October 12, 2019 at 12:57 am

    > when the SHTF and we are considering the targets that have to be hit in retaliation, and in defense of our country and our way of life, we would be neglecting a primary threat by not hitting the muzzies

    Now, I’m just playing this absurd (like “Elves & Trannies Soccer! Two Teams, One Cup! Championship 2016! Version 2”) game because we all think it’s amusing. Because it’s absurd. But…

    If you targeted your (not “our”) enemies, that call themselves your neighbors, in your “own” country (“those who call you enemy”), that you insist on allowing to (survive to) rule you, in “your own” country — how would any “other” (even others “that call you enemy”), be able to rule you? In “your own” country?

  5. The Human Rights Tribunal is just another country destroying legacy left by Pierre Trudeau (father of the current Prime Minister, Justin the trust-fund baby) in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that he forced through and almost split the country. It’s used as a federally funded hammer by muslims (and, to be fair other minorities such as gays) to attempt to destroy those that won’t take their crap. Those being attacked have to pony up their own legal fees while the abusers get theirs paid by the feds.

  6. This is why I have been flying my Canadian flag upside down since Trudeau was elected!

    If he gets in again, I will take it down, piss on it, and burn it!
    At that point everything our fore fathers created and soldiers defended will no longer exist in Canada’s soul in enough capacity for Canada to remain remotely “free”!

    It will be an act of mercy so that my flag does not have to exist when this country becomes Cuba or similar.


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