Canada: Muslim beats his wife in front of cops – IOTW Report

Canada: Muslim beats his wife in front of cops

Says she is his “property”

muslim woman beaten

“Righteous women are therefore obedient, guarding the secret for Allah’s guarding. And those you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and beat them.” (Qur’an 4:34)


19 Comments on Canada: Muslim beats his wife in front of cops

  1. Well, at least he was arrested. I wonder if the police are “allowed” to arrest a moslem beating his wife here in the USA? Has Obama written an ‘executive order’ for Sharia, yet?

  2. “We must protect her so she can give birth to more Muslim men who want to serve Allah – piss be upon him.” -Me

    How about imposing the Trump Immigration Plan on their asses, both here and in Canada.

    I don’t have any sympathy for these women, OR their fucking brood.

  3. Read the story. Nine kids for pete’s sake and I’ll bet (although it is not mentioned) the family is on welfare. Anyway apparently while the cops were sorting this out and getting ready to take the guy the wife kissed the hand of one of the cops in thanks and the dumb f*ck husband grabbed the wife by the throat and tried to throttle her. If it’s the Winnipeg police I know and remember he got a nightstick lesson in politeness. While I feel sorry for the family (for the husband as well in an odd sort of way) Canada is still the world’s biggest sucker for some of these immigrant groups.

  4. I agree, these women allow this treatment. They need to rip the burka off steal the hubbys oozie and blow his head off. If alot of muslim women did this would be a different world.

  5. Wait a minute. Islam respects women and gives them rights including the right to be punched in the face by their loving husbands. Ya’ll are just jealous of that colorful black and purple eye he gave his wife. Must be Islamophobes.

  6. I employ the Napier Rule:
    (Napier is the guy in charge of Colonial India who built gallows next to funeral pyres so he could hang the bastards that threw their extra old women into the flames)
    You molesters of Goats, Boys and Melons can worship however you wish. I shall do the same
    Abuse a woman in my sight or knowledge and I will exact punishment suitable to the abuse.
    Usually this will be an Hickory Shampoo applied with vigor an enthusiasm
    Beat her in my sight and the use of your hands will be a fond memory

  7. And I’ll bet this muzzie became Thor’s and Bubba’s “property” once he got behind the doors of the graybar hotel. With extra colonic-straightening treatments, free of charge. And other things I will not mention at this time.
    I wonder how well Mr Muzzie will like being someone else’s property? After all, fair is fair. Bubba and Thor are just equally applying their version of Sharia “law” on the inside.

    (If I was a prison guard, you bet I’d be looking the other way while Mr Muzzie was being passed around like a party girl at a kegger).

  8. Here’s a good example of allowing people to bend the law to conform with their faith. The anti-homo cake bakers need to come up with a better excuse. “Render unto Caesar. . . “

  9. “Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs.”

  10. Fled Iraq and Syria because of sharia-approved terror, found a peaceful country willing to take his family in and the bastard has a problem with the peace-based laws of the country that offers him and his family a peaceful place to live.

    That is the stank of islam, cancer of the soul.

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