Canada Preps To Euthanize Its Mentally Ill And Non-Terminal Patients – IOTW Report

Canada Preps To Euthanize Its Mentally Ill And Non-Terminal Patients

Catholic News Agency

Canada’s vulnerable populations are at risk due to Bill C-7’s expansion of euthanasia and assisted suicide to those with disabling, non-terminal conditions including mental illness, a member of the Canadian parliament has said.

An amended version of Bill C-7 passed the Canadian House of Commons March 11 by a vote of 180-149. Should the bill be approved by the Senate, which is likely, Canada’s euthanasia and assisted suicide laws will become some of the most permissible in the world. More

26 Comments on Canada Preps To Euthanize Its Mentally Ill And Non-Terminal Patients

  1. Step 1: “It’s cruel and inhumane to let irredeemably insane people live.

    Step 2: “The definition of irredeemably insane is anyone who does not agree 100% with liberal politicians”

    Step 3: (thick smoke rises from the new chimneys at the Humane Treatment camp for the insane)

  2. The families of anyone elected to office in National office, then the provinces and the cities should set the example by having their families savaged first.

  3. Joe The Pretender better not visit.

    Of course he has his own personal spectre of death lurking close by: Kamala’s hair makes her look like a hooded death spectre.

  4. Nazi Canada.

    Yeah, this happened in Nazi Germany.

    This makes me fearful of going there even on a vacation. They may grab me by mistake or on purpose and send me up the chimney.

    I was born there, but that means squat to me. Many formerly good decent countries have been taken over by brutes.

  5. There is no need to try to understand why leftists, socialists, fascists, and communists hold no reverence for human life. They have refined murder to a fine art. They do it by the tens of millions, and that is all we need to know.

  6. Y’all startin ta get where I’m comin from Yet.

    This is where your Democratic Socialists are coming from.
    Biden picked his cabinet the same way Turdeau did.
    Dominion Voting etc.
    Thought Crime.
    Human rights Tribunals next with Kangaroo courts.
    Vaccine passports.
    2A is about to be drastically curbed (Nat guard at Capitol)

    I could go on typing but; Beer.

  7. Anonymous
    MARCH 14, 2021 AT 3:50 PM
    “Trudeau should be the guinea pig.
    Liberaliam kills. Leftism brings genocide.

    This is coming to the US.”

    …go to a hospice. They’re easy to find, they built a lot more since Obamacare.

    Look at the posters in your doctor’s office.

    …it’s not coming…

    …it’s here…

  8. the National Socialists’ Final Solution had its start doing exactlyu this – they emptied out the insane asylums and disabled & old people from old folks homes and killed them off as “useless eaters”

    Think of the “bring out yer dead” monthy python scene but on a much more grim, industrial scale

  9. So……those who decry others as Nazis, are themselves……..Nazis.Projection much?

  10. Nazis are National Socialists – nothing more – nothing less.

    “Why, on the whole, thou’rt –
    what thou art.
    Set wigs of million curls upon thy head
    to raise thee,
    Wear shoes a nell in height –
    The truth betrays thee,
    And thou remainest – what thou art.”

    (Mephistopheles, “Faust”, Goethe, Part 1, Act I, Scene IV)

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. This is when you know society was lost.
    The same left who say they take care of everyone.
    That “everyone” is conditional.
    You have to be young, stupid, not white, not straight, have no faith, have a low IQ, support being indoctrinated and driven like sheep to slaughter.
    Anyone outside that group has no rights, no reason to live.

  12. Do they not teach history in Canada anymore?! These stupid fuckers MUST know that this shit has been done before, and that that little experiment ended very badly for the people doing it.

  13. The progressive movement was all in for the National Socialist Party as they rose in stature, consolidated their power and were Hitlers cheerleaders right up until he launched Operation Barbarossa. Just saying.

    That is a stone cold natural fact and is documented in their periodical literature that they published from the 1920’s on through June 22, 1941. The day before Hitler invaded the Soviet Union who they recognized as an even more efficient engine of innocent human suffering, misery and death than the Nazis. Other than that they were on board with everything The National Socialists stood for, and make ABSOLUTELY no mistake about it, it is what they are all about today and will always be for.


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