Canada: Real Asians mass protest hijab hoax – IOTW Report

Canada: Real Asians mass protest hijab hoax

Geller Report: You have to love real Asians protesting media-designated “Asians” (Muslims), their hoax jihad, and their stooge. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s one protester told the Toronto Sun that he condemns Trudeau for not defending Asian Canadians when the Muslim girl’s report was found to be false.

“The day after this (hoax) happened, there was a 15-year-old boy shot in Vancouver and the Prime Minister didn’t say anything about that. I don’t understand,” said protester Bob Peng.

Dozens of Asian Canadians took to the streets of Toronto on Sunday with signs and chants calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to apologize for how he handled what’s been dubbed the “hijab hoax.”  READ MORE

3 Comments on Canada: Real Asians mass protest hijab hoax

  1. The cops still haven’t come clean on the fake hijaber and it’s beginning to look like they never will. In the meantime our Provincial Conservative Party self destructs as Liberals who were set to be clubbed like a baby seal are dancing in the streets. What the party needs is a Canadian Donald Trump, somebody who has been (and is) successful, stays out of the public eye, can handle the press and the left and feels he owes something to the country. Instead we’re going to get retreads, professional politicians and the get-along to go-along crowd. Hell, Canada doesn’t have a huge populations think maybe we can borrow the Donald on weekends?

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