Canadian has a request for any anti-Trump leftist defecting to Canada – IOTW Report

Canadian has a request for any anti-Trump leftist defecting to Canada

Screen Shot 2016-03-10 at 4.59.47 PM


ht/ Annie

10 Comments on Canadian has a request for any anti-Trump leftist defecting to Canada

  1. She said hockey and I love hockey, but no Canadian teams are gonna make the NHL playoffs….mediocre Prime Minister = mediocre hockey teams….vote for NHL playoff hockey, vote for Donald J. Trump or Cruz, but vote for good NHL playoff hockey….hockey is the political narrative that everyone is overlooking….hockey is America….well, cuz football is over and baseball is 25 days away…

  2. She forgot to note in her video that (from the looks of the “ass on the street” that Canada is loaded with Hipsters. If the Hipsters here all left the country, that would be a pretty good start in my book!

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