Canadian lawmaker caught nude during virtual legislative meeting – IOTW Report

Canadian lawmaker caught nude during virtual legislative meeting


A Canadian lawmaker was caught in the buff during a virtual House of Commons conference on Wednesday, a report said.

William Amos, a Liberal MP, was recorded on camera standing nude in his office, flanked by the Quebec and Canadian flags, according to a screenshot obtained by the Canadian Press, CTV News reported.

The incident occurred during the questioning period.

“My video was accidentally turned on as I was changing into my work clothes after going for a jog. I sincerely apologize to my colleagues in the House of Commons for this unintentional distraction,” he said.


The 46-year-old lawmaker, who represents parts of Quebec, later apologized for the showing, which he said was unintentional.

19 Comments on Canadian lawmaker caught nude during virtual legislative meeting

  1. Does that photo look like he is changing out of his jogging clothes to you?

    Who holds their iPhone close to their junk when changing? What’s the other hand doing? Asking for a friend

  2. “William Amos, a Liberal MP”
    Hasty put this link at another post, but I think it deserves a look here:

    Why do libs like to strut their junk? When they are protesting animal rights, global warming, whatever, there’s always a bunch of skanky, demented, ugly hippie chicks chaining themselves to something or lying in the street naked. (Geez, I just had a subliminal image pop into my head of John and Yoko album cover from the 70’s. Help me.)

  3. House of Commons & the Chaterbate porn website screen icons are right next to each other. Everyone can relate to the need of having 2 jobs. Chaterbate is his 2nd job & it was a easy-peasy mistake. His iPhone is to see how many hits he gets.


    “DeBellefeuille said parliamentary decorum requires male MPs to wear formal clothing, including underwear.”



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