Canadian Mom Jailed After Son Dies From Strep Treated With Home Remedies – IOTW Report

Canadian Mom Jailed After Son Dies From Strep Treated With Home Remedies

Tamara Lovett was sentenced to three years in prison.


A Calgary mother has been sentenced to three years in prison for failing to medically treat the strep throat that caused her seven-year-old son’s death.  Believing he had a cold or the flu, Lovett said she administered Ryan dandelion tea and oil of oregano and didn’t take him to the doctor. Ryan remained bedridden for 10 days before Lovett found him on the floor of their home. She called 911, but Ryan was dead when the paramedics arrived.

“Ryan suffered terribly from this inaction. He died an excruciating, unnecessary death,” she said.

 Lovett’s defense lawyer Alain Hepner had argued for a shorter sentence of one year with an additional year of probation. “She’s received a life sentence already for being responsible for the death of her child,” he said after the hearing.

21 Comments on Canadian Mom Jailed After Son Dies From Strep Treated With Home Remedies

  1. Ten days? My antennae were up yesterday when my boy’s forehead was hot. I was sure it was just a cold, too, but I’d have to be a moron to allow him to lay there for nine more days and still assume it’s a cold, especially if he is “bedridden.”

    How blind is this woman?

  2. Yet again I am reminded how lucky I was to be born into a medical family. I had strep twice. It was horrible. I feel so bad for what this kid went through. He was robbed of his life by having a stupid Mom.

  3. A mother treats a seriously ill child with dandelion tea and oregano? What in the hell was she thinking? Is she some kind of holistic healer or something? It makes no difference for the poor kid but this woman should never become mother again, she’s just no damn good at it.

  4. He probably had strep pneumonia. And there are two kinds THAT going around: antibiotic-resistant and non-resistant. My 96 year-old mother survived the non-resistant kind this year. She’s tough – and lucky.

  5. Jim@
    Right, she would have been a hero of the state, had parades in her honor, lauded by the bimbos of Hollywood during one of the many and interminable award shows and given an honorary pussy hat for her high and noble achievement! Now she kills her kid and she just goes to jail without any fanfare!

  6. Dandelion tea? WTF?! She probably gave him allergies, too. I feel so bad for the little boy.

    I’m in the middle of getting over an uncommon cold right now, and it’s aggravating my IDDM. This is day 3 and if Claritin, sudafed, IB and hot tea weren’t working up to this day, I’d take myself to urgent care. I’m broke, not stupid.

  7. Streptococcus is the basis for the FLESH-EATING VIRUS

    It basically eats the skin on the back of your throat.

    10 days is a LONG TIME to suffer a sickness like that untreated. Can’t swallow, high fever, can’t hardly breath or sleep.

    Wanna DIE of severe strep-throat? Bitch should be in jail for 3-5, I agree with the sentence.

  8. Here’s one for the books: When my child was 8-9 years old, she had a bout of mild vomiting that was kind of random. Into the second day of this I happened to be talking to a friend who worked at a large day care at our church. She said that vomiting is also a symptom of strep throat. She was right! I took my daughter to the doc and a throat culture came back positive even though she had no signs of throat irritation or a fever.

  9. I have had bronchitis and a very bad cough for six weeks. I have been to the doctor. I am just not a member of the “doctors will cure you in no time” club. My experience is that if you go to a doctor they will cure you in fourteen days. If you don’t see a doctor it will take two weeks.

  10. Strep is very dangerous. When I first started me cancer treatment (lymphoma), May 2016, the even-number chemo treatments had to be done as an in-patient procedure (just 3 nights) because there was a strict time-table. Unfortunatly, right at the end of these treatments, I developed a very fast moving strep infection. It was the same bacteria that causes strep throat, but in my case, the strep infection was in my lungs and kidneys.

    When I say fast moving, I went from feeling fine to being in debilitating, agonizing indescribable pain in about 1 hour. I went from normal temperature to about 101 in that same hour.

    What I had was called streptococcal toxic shock. Please google it, there are few worse infections.

    I spent a month in the hospital, I never knew what my highest temperature was because I was in the ICU and unconscious and sedated during the worst of it.

    The doctors were afraid that they may have to remove my kidneys and some of my lung. “Fortunately” for me, my cancer treatment resulted in me being a very poor candidate for surgery because it has destroyed my red blood cells, white blood cells and virtually eliminated my blood clotting factors. That and my immune system was close to non-functional.

    It was a horrible experience and made my cancer treatments pale in comparison. I could never imagine being that sick and surviving.

    I think I can relate to what that poor boy experienced in his final days. Despite that, I think the sentence for the mother is far too harsh. She will to live with the fact that she is responsible for her son’s death.

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