Canadian Paper – “We accidentally told the truth about Muslims, we apologize and will do better in the future” – IOTW Report

Canadian Paper – “We accidentally told the truth about Muslims, we apologize and will do better in the future”

A Canadian newspaper removed a story about Muslim bullying. This is what they said:

Jihad Watch:

The Chronicle Herald, which in light of events is neither a chronicle nor a herald, has removed the story completely offering up this piffle:

This story has been removed. Bullying is a sensitive subject. So is the integration of newcomers, particularly those who have faced challenges, even trauma, on their way here. Our story was incomplete. More work needs to be done and will be done before the story is republished. We should have done better and we will.

Chronicle Herald removes Muslim refugee school attack story


What they’re really saying is – we accidentally told the truth, we’ll work harder to prevent that happening in the future.


5 Comments on Canadian Paper – “We accidentally told the truth about Muslims, we apologize and will do better in the future”

  1. Look, Canada – just surrender already and save yourself some angst and hysteria. That way, you don’t have to worry about whether or not you are politically correct – your new masters will tell you what to say and do. You will feel better about yourself, and the Muslim world will have conquered its first North American country. It’s a win-win!

  2. We humbly, sincerely, expeditiously, profoundly, frankly, earnestly, candidly, deeply, genuinely, wholeheartedly, truly do apologize and grovel from the very depths of our bigoted and worthless hearts, EH! Please like us, pretty please, EH!

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