Canadian School Allows Computer Lab To Be Turned Into Mini-Mosque – IOTW Report

Canadian School Allows Computer Lab To Be Turned Into Mini-Mosque

Dear left,

If you are intentionally doing things in order to outrage the public into blowback against Muslims, because you’re too lily-livered to do anything about Islam yourselves, you’ve done a good job. Just a few more outrageous acts and your job will be complete.

If you’re doing these things because you actually think you’re doing what’s right, well then, you’re risking the people turning on you, perhaps violently, because your actions are wrong.

Turning the computer lab into a mini-mosque, and making “infidels” wait until prayer time is over before they can enter, that’s something that might cause people to finally rise up.

You’re playing with fire.

The Rebel-

I recently attended a meeting hosted by Concerned Parents of Peel Region and spoke with a mother who described some of the problems with the Board’s accommodation of Muslim religious practices in public schools.

Watch as she tells us of some troubling incidents her daughter has been subjected to, including watching a computer lab room become a mini-mosque and being told by a Muslim student that “God only loves Muslims”.

One can hardly blame this mother who immigrated to Canada so she and her family could enjoy our freedoms, for being concerned about how we are turning a blind eye to the Islamization of Canadian values.


ht/ Kathy Shaidle

5 Comments on Canadian School Allows Computer Lab To Be Turned Into Mini-Mosque

  1. Where in the world is anyone going to be safe from this? North Korea? China? Russia? Western Democracies are slowly, and in some cases, willfully, giving in to an Islamic takeover.

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