Canadian taxpayers already fund abortions at home. Will they soon foot the bill for Americans, too? – IOTW Report

Canadian taxpayers already fund abortions at home. Will they soon foot the bill for Americans, too?

(LifeSiteNews) – Canadian taxpayers currently fund approximately 300 abortions every day. On the other end of life’s spectrum, Canadian taxpayers fund the euthanasia of a growing number of sick, elderly, and disabled people – nearly 10,000 last year alone.

There is a perverse symmetry here. Due in part to abortion, there are fewer Canadian taxpayers to pay into the healthcare system, which puts pressure on that system, which in turn leads to pressure being put on vulnerable Canadians to request “MAiD,” the perverse euphemism euthanasia activists have invented to describe dying by lethal injection.

Under the Trudeau government, Canadian taxpayers have also been on the hook for abortions in developing countries. Justin Trudeau has committed over $650 million dollars to funding abortion overseas, including in nations where abortion is illegal. Indeed, during the pandemic Trudeau used foreign aid to ensure that nations struggling with the impact of the global situation could still get abortion pills.

Trudeau’s commitment to using the hard-earned money of Canadian taxpayers to fund the killing of unborn children may now extend south of the border, as well. According to Liberal Families Minister Karina Gould on CTV’s Power Play, Trudeau’s government is prepared to provide the abortion pill to American women should it become unavailable in the U.S. MORE HERE

5 Comments on Canadian taxpayers already fund abortions at home. Will they soon foot the bill for Americans, too?

  1. Brad,

    You don’t think we actually have any real money since Turdboy is Anti Gas, Oil, fertilizer, & increasing carbon taxes, Eh?

    1 Loonie is worth 0.73 cents US. Less that 75 cents on the dollar.

    We are the tail on the dog, right next to the asshole.


  2. Kcir
    LOL. I know brother. I’m willing to bet a bunch of your government confiscated money is going to the Uke too. Awfully nice of your dictator to offer up more money to kill babies. We need a North American revolt.


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