Cancel culture comes for Daily Beast, as site rips late night hosts’ silence on Tara Reade claim – IOTW Report

Cancel culture comes for Daily Beast, as site rips late night hosts’ silence on Tara Reade claim

Just The News: The partisan left isn’t pleased with The Daily Beast. 

The news outlet leans to the left, as does its senior entertainment editor, Marlow Stern.

Still, the veteran reporter pulled few punches in a May 8 essay entitled, “Why Have Late-Night TV Hosts Gone Silent on Tara Reade?”

The column critiques politically minded hosts like Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Kimmel for ignoring Reade, who claims presidential candidate Joe Biden sexually assaulted her in 1993. Reade’s charge has received at best a grudging modicum of skeptical attention in mainstream press outlets, in stark contrast to the credulous saturation coverage lavished on Christine Blasey-Ford’s unsupported allegations against future Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh two years ago. more

7 Comments on Cancel culture comes for Daily Beast, as site rips late night hosts’ silence on Tara Reade claim

  1. It is a cobbled coalition of malicious, maladjusted malcontents, misfits and weirdos that have as a common thread that runs through them a hate on for America. For the most part they wouldn’t know self respect if it fell out of the sky and landed in their laps, therefore it naturally follows that they have no respect for anyone else.

    The whole damn Democrat big tent bullshit lie has been a house of cards for half a century now. This day was sure to come and it should surprise no one that the internecine struggles are playing out as we are seeing.

    It is rather fun to watch as they turn on each other.

    They are getting to experience themselves what it feels like to have to deal with their shit. The bastards are consumed by hate, let them simmer in the hate filled stew that they all have contributed to. They are despicable and deserve each other.


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