They are now accusing Jesus of using racial slurs. This is how banning the Bible begins.
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) March 9, 2021
33 Comments on Cancel Culture Pick Up the Phone – Jesus Was Racist
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Check this
Since when is Jesus a racist? Prove it if you can which I doubt.
I don’t take spiritual guidance from a homo.
Jesus is the only Hebrew with a Greek name. His Aramaic name is Yeshua.
Soy boys suck… Badco said it.
Each time something like this is publicized, there should be something similar to the ‘WuFlu Death Count’ on the screen that reviews what the UniRats are trying to push through in the House.
Someone track this little faggot down and beat him to a goddamn pulp.
This passage is about racism. But the entire point is that Jesus is calling it out.
But when you have an agenda…
Lost my interest when I saw the TinTin hairdo – what a flamer.
Jesus’ point was that the gospel was to be given to the Jews first and the woman understood that and was happy with the “crumbs” of His grace and mercy.
Another Bible lesson, courtesy of someone who doesn’t know Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Corky and Ted Nougat Exactly!
I take extreme exception to anyone attempting to limit or curtail my right to free speech, which is exactly what the Cancel Culture is all about! Don’t try to shut me down just because you don’t like what I have to say or don’t like my beliefs using some sick, twisted idea that it somehow “offends” you!!
My dog is complaining to the DMC that I am a racist.
Soooo… how long did this numbnut spend studying Greek, while HE was at seminary? 🙄
Another soy boy who needs a good beating…with an axe.
I thought Jesus was black.
Wouldn’t want to be in his shoes on judgement day!
Wow, just wow
Even collectively, we aren’t that stupid. But enough of us are to srart the violence.
Just as ANTIFA was a Stalinist organization, now we’ll experience the resurrection of another: The League of the Militant Godless.
They’ve been operating in the shadows for years but they sense that their time is at hand.
izlamo delenda est …
One word – Faith.
Being faithless is lonely way to live.
@CC, my first thought was that this guy looks like a cartoon character.
Self righteous soy boy.
You don’t like the bible or Yeshua? Don’t read it.
I don’t like you so guess what? I won’t watch you any more.
He wouldn’t know the rightly divided Word of God if it hit him in the face.
Heaven has a wall and a very strict vetting process. We should follow that example.
How can God and Jesus be racist since they created all the races. The real racists are mankind which always has been and always will be. Man is the one who exploits other races because of their being different, their skin color, their religious beliefs etc. God does not exploit anyone like man does.
I haven’t posted here in quite some time due to health issues, but this SHIT crosses the line. Why am I not surprised? Vultures, the lot of em’.
Is “Rev.” he/him using his Dik Cok app to spread lies again?
Jesus CURED the daughter!!!
Syrophoenician Lives Matter
I bet that boy dreams of being a sailor in the Greek Navy.
Huh? I thought they didn’t believe in Jesus Christ. How can a fictional character (to this guy) be racist? Doesn’t make sense. Besides, of course, he’s got it wrong.
mcfartus welcome back.
Hope all is well now.
God will not be mocked and whoa too them that does.