Captain Longhead- Duplicitous Dipwad – IOTW Report

Captain Longhead- Duplicitous Dipwad

Whenever you catch the left in a hypocritical lie, like say, supporting Khizr Khan while excoriating Pat Smith, the leftist cheeseteeth will always suddenly not be holding those two positions simultaneously.

They will either claim that they don’t support Khan, or they fully support Smith, so your claims of leftist twitwaddle are invalid.

Well, we have this guy —->

Steve Benen, who I long ago dubbed Captain Longhead (Why? Because he looks like he was birthed through an anus that was unwilling), is simultaneously holding two opinions that document he is a duplicitous dipshinola.

See here.

ht/ Obama Please

6 Comments on Captain Longhead- Duplicitous Dipwad

  1. these fetal abortions who grow up to be LOSER Dhimmos may as well have stamped on their foreheads in big raised letters…”DIPSHIT HERE” and below have embossed “Listen at your own peril”

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