Caravan army turns up its nose at Mexico’s generous offer of asylum – IOTW Report

Caravan army turns up its nose at Mexico’s generous offer of asylum

AT: If there’s anything that points to the political nature of the thousands-strong migrant caravan heading north to the U.S., it’s the migrants’ rejection of Mexico’s generous offer of political asylum, along with jobs, medical care, and big benefit packages.  According to this Associated Press report, they’d rather confront Trump.

Migrants traveling in a caravan through southern Mexico have rejected a proposal by President Enrique Pena Nieto that they apply for refugee status in the country and obtain benefits.

Coordinators of the caravan read out the president’s plan called “You are at home.”  Migrants shouted “Gracias!” but “No, we’re heading north!”

Activist Irineo Mujica of the Pueblo sin Fronteras group is supporting the migrants in the caravan.  He told the group that 80 percent of those who apply for protective status would be rejected and deported.

NBC reports:

Sitting at the edge of the edge of the town square, 58-year-old Oscar Sosa of San Pedro Sula, Honduras concurred.

“Our goal is not to remain in Mexico,” Sosa said.  “Our goal is to make it to the (U.S).  We want passage, that’s all.”

There are significantly mixed reports about that, suggesting that the Mexican government isn’t on all one page as to what its people intend to do.

William LaJeunesse of Fox News reports that Mexican cops were commandeering trucks and buses to load the migrants up for travel north, while NBC News reports that Mexicans were picking off the smaller groups that have spun off from the original caravan mass and declaring them illegal.  The smaller groups, by the way, have reportedly spun off because of the presence of so many criminals and gang members in the ranks of the larger group, with LaJeunesse reporting that the invading army has fallen from 7,000 to 4,000.  The pickoffs, however, seem to be followed by calls from the far-left caravan-organizers to stay with the larger group, which just happens to support their original political aim of using of the caravan of large numbers to confront Trump and render the U.S. border meaningless.



18 Comments on Caravan army turns up its nose at Mexico’s generous offer of asylum

  1. Time to let DARPA test out those new crowd control technologies
    There’s the microwave one that makes it feel like you’re fire
    The sonic one that drives them crazy
    Or mirror array trucks to roast them Archimedes style
    Of course you could always crop dust them with fire ants and chiggers

  2. There’s no way Trump can play this that comes out fairly in the media. But since that’s a given and no one in America expects otherwise, he needs to make an example to show he isn’t bluffing. How he should best do that I don’t know, but one has got to be made.

    Whatever else he does, what he should start with an address to the nation, brief and to the point, about Article IV, Section 4 and his intention to be the first POTUS to uphold it.

  3. Can’t wait for the faux tragic Palestine-esque shots of “dead” children laying at the border, then other timestamped shots of the same kids walking around an hour later.

    The Left will go balls out to make this event the UGLIEST possible. It has to, it’s in a corner. Look for masses of Antifa and ACORN (same thing) rent-a-mob types to be bused to the north side of the border to cause as much two-front havoc as possible.

  4. 58 year old Oscar Sosas, heading to the US? Just in time to start collecting Social Security and free healthcare, courtesy of the US taxpayer. Nice little retirement plan you’ve got there, Oscar. Phucker.

  5. Have the US forces finger print and photograph everyone they can, guarantee that anyone’s finger prints showing up later at any time never gets to be a citizen or come legally into the US at any time.

  6. NBC in scripted coordination
    Fusion Mariana ‘Duct Tape’ Atencio at MSNBC
    Fingerpaints all over those I.E.D.s
    Illegal Entry Denied
    Assisting smugglers, in plain TV sight
    Staged Border Wars
    Circus Clown handswritten tele-prompts
    Venezuelan Mati Hari at NBC
    Call DHS and FBI

  7. Since the Progs always bitch about U.S. Troops in foreign countries, let’s do it one more time. President Trump needs to call the Mexican President & offer to send 5,000 troops & logistics if Mexico also provides 5,000 troops. Surround this caravan & march them back across Mexico’s southern border & seal it. If they try to cross again illegally, the U.S. troops can operate under “Mexican Law” & shoot them on sight. It’ll be a much shorter border to protect as only about 750 troops from each country will have to remain, at least until the wall is completed on the U.S. southern border.

  8. President Trump needs to allow the invading hoard into the US:

    Register each of them
    Transport each to their US congressional “sponsor”, or bleeding heart media personality, or Hollywood socialist.

    Let the put their money, family, property where their mouths have spouted

  9. Just more confirmation that that this is just a salvo of human torpedoes directed at the United States.
    Guess what… a terrorist operation doesn’t operate with uniformed soldiers. This is an invasion force and must be dealt with as such.

  10. Indeed Radioationman, they’ll be rounded up and put in line behind the 700,000 already here applying for asylum.

    Yes, that’s not a made up number. The 5K strong caravan gets dumped in the 700K bucket already here.

  11. Arriaga, is still near the ass-end of Mexico. They’re already bumming rides and knocking women out of the way, complaining about sore feet. eventually, they’ll run across some annoyed cartel members. Good luck through that desert, assholitos.


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