Florida: Undercover FBI $5K Campaign Donation to Andrew Gillum Affiliated PAC Not Reported – IOTW Report

Florida: Undercover FBI $5K Campaign Donation to Andrew Gillum Affiliated PAC Not Reported

Tallahassee Reports: Newly released emails reveal that Mike Miller – an undercover FBI agent posing as a developer with business interests before the city of Tallahassee – covered a $4,386 expense for a fundraiser honoring Andrew Gillum which benefited the Gilllum affiliated PAC, Forward Florida.

However, a review of Forward Florida campaign reports show no expenditure or donation for the expense.

The invitation, is shown below, indicates the event was held at the home of Adam Corey on April 11, 2016 “Honoring Mayor Andrew Gillum.”

Emails indicate that the Florida Democratic help organize the event through the work of Brice Barnes. Barnes was listed as the Finance Director of the Florida Democratic Party at the time of the event.  more here

6 Comments on Florida: Undercover FBI $5K Campaign Donation to Andrew Gillum Affiliated PAC Not Reported

  1. What?
    The FBI involved in political campaign shenanigans to influence the outcome of an election?
    Say it ain’t so Joe !

    By the way, $5000 would never give you access to a statewide candidate, unless it was cash to a staff member of the campaign.

    $5000 is chump change in politics, you might get your license back from a DUI conviction, but that’s about it.

  2. Soooooo … you have to report donations by the FBI?
    Since when?

    Did the Clinton Campaign report all the donations (monetary and in-kind) by the Comey FBI? Including the exoneration written PRIOR to the interrogation?
    What was the dollar-value of giving Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin Get-Out-of-Jail-Free passes?

    What’s that smell?

    izlamo delenda est …

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