Carl Reiner Dead at 98 – IOTW Report

Carl Reiner Dead at 98


Carl Reiner, the award-winning actor, director, producer and writer known for creating The Dick Van Dyke Show, has died, confirmed his son, Rob Reiner. He was 98. 

“Last night my dad passed away. As I write this my heart is hurting. He was my guiding light,” Rob Reiner tweeted on Tuesday morning. 

Carl Reiner reportedly died Monday night in his Beverly Hills home, and was surrounded by his family. 

39 Comments on Carl Reiner Dead at 98

  1. I love the old style comedy – very clean, very funny.
    I loved “Young Frankenstein” and “Blazing Saddles” – saw them both while in university in the 1970’s.

  2. Remember “like father like son” and “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” The difference is Carl kept his mouth shut and as far as I know did get overtly political. But Carl was talented. His son is not.

  3. Even in his 90s, Reiner was as sharp as ever, and used his platform to bring attention to political issues such as immigration, voter registration, and speaking out against President Donald Trump. Reiner’s “personal goal” was to live until the 2020 November election. “To make sure we have a decent, moral, law-abiding citizen in Washington who will make us all proud again to live in America,” he said.

  4. “To make sure we have a decent, moral, law-abiding citizen in Washington who will make us all proud again to live in America,”

    He didn’t care about America. He wasn’t American. Just like a maggot is not a piece of its host.

  5. The Virtue Signalers of their generation. Weird how so many of our once-favorite tee vee and film writers were closet Red Diaper babies; if not officially, then sympathetically.

    We need another HUAC. All that blood and treasure fighting commies and I’m questioning whether or not tearing down that wall was such a good idea after all.

  6. Carl Reiner, the award-winning actor, director, producer and writer known for creating The Dick Van Dyke Show, and a Meathead.
    I guess 1 out of 2 ain’t bad for a liberal…

  7. We recently watched the Oceans 11, 12, and 13 movies on television.
    His character, Saul, was pretty good, especially in the third movie where he was passing himself off as a hotel critic while the team were totally destroying the real critic so the Al Pachino character who loved his five diamond reviews was being destroyed.
    As others have said, he didn’t deem to show left wing politics as bad as meathead Rob.

  8. @Thirdtwin: Rob Reiner wouldn’t know what to do with a gun. Go nose to nose? Hah! Go ahead and shoot yourself in the face – DO IT! Furthermore, I don’t care about your father, never met him, he’s just another human being who lived out his life and only liberal politics to show for it. Sorry excuse for a human being as ALL liberals are.

  9. One the last of an almost now extinct breed of actor.
    Good, clean, funny entertainer without being caustic or harming others.

    Hey Meathead ….You are nothing like daddy.

  10. Carl will now be able to watch his asshole son whack off to kiddy porn from below. Snap a pic of his face F.D.R. when he first sees what his son has been hiding. Then post it on Facebook for all to see.

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