Carlson Speaks With Day Without Woman Activist – IOTW Report

Carlson Speaks With Day Without Woman Activist

23 Comments on Carlson Speaks With Day Without Woman Activist

  1. Time to dismantle all sex related laws concerning legal obligation to provide support. That means no more alimony, child support or even support by legal edict during marriage! All beings provide for themselves equally (Women, of course, will still have to provide for the mass of cells that they sluff off after a
    nine-month period until those cells reach adulthood)!

  2. I listen to Tucker on XM radio, I don’t get the visuals. Contrary to the headlines, it did not seem Tucker “destroyed” the feminist – his counter arguments were a bit weak when they could have been much stronger.

    Maybe he out smirked her and I missed it.

  3. The “Movement” is already over. Even the Liberal press didn’t give this any coverage. The only reason they got any notice at all was because they piggy-backed themselves onto the Stalinist International Womens Day protests. There was an inspired support building decision. Whose running all this, a bunch of women?

  4. this wymyn is a complete dumbass? who hates men? and white men in particular? if the point was to show us how everything goes to hell if wymyn stay home? it didn’t work? because i didn’t notice a thing yesterday? what is her job, anyway? i never heard of her stupid organization? does she have a degree in wymyn’s studies? because she didn’t have the command of any facts? because women by law must be paid the same as men? and also get preferential treatment in hiring? what a dumbass?

  5. ‘I think we’ve gotten off the point’.

    Translation: ‘We are beyond the point that talking points and memorized, scripted answers will cover. Lord knows, with this damn pink hat, my brain cannot think beyond the puppet masters control’.

  6. the whole thing struck me as counter-productive and a huge flop. I believe the idea was to bring the economy and all businesses to their knees by showing the awesome power and value of women. My take is that the vast majority thought the whole idea was childish and ignored it, and went to work and shopped and dined out and everything. ONce again, the leftist morons vastly overestimate the numbers of people that they think are as unhinged and as stupid as they are. The one thing that keeps these idiots in the game is that the morons @ cnn, mslgbtv, and the other networks are equally stupid and unhinged. Their stupid communist movement is going down the toilet and has peaked out, as evidenced by the democrat party losing elected seats at all levels and it’s only going to get worse for those idiots. Of course the media never will cover that angle

  7. Why do these women use that little girl way of speaking where their voices go up when they make a statement? It’s like they’re asking permission for stating an opinion. Where’s the strength in that?

  8. I think the irony is that the world would really take a much more serious downturn without men.

    What is the percentage of men in dangerous and dirty jobs? How about factories? Doctors? Sewage workers? Electic plant workers? Police? Etc

    The world would be in chaos.

  9. A publicly stated position is almost always the opposite of how a group really feels. These harpies want to demonstrate their value because they feel valueless. Groups that have pride parades do so to alleviate their shame, etc They think they can convince themselves by convincing others.

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