Carly Fiorina fails the test – IOTW Report

Carly Fiorina fails the test

I don’t speak for all of iOTWreport, but BigFurHat says Fiorina has just failed the BFH litmus test.

Here’s Fear-a-rina speaking on Jimmy Fallon’s show about Ben Carson’s remark that he doesn’t advise voting for a Muslim for president.

“You know, it says in our Constitution that religion cannot be a test for office.”

But you got it backwards Fiorina. Article VI, paragraph 3 means the government can’t require that you be a specific religion in order to be an employee of the government, whether hired or elected. It says nothing about having to accept a specific religion which, for example, could be injurious to the nation. I agree with Carson. I don’t think Islam is compatible with our constitution.

The constitution also protects Ben Carson’s right to say that he doesn’t think people should vote in a Muslim president.

By the way, what is it with the jackasses who believe the constitution boxes one into a corner and compels them into a suicide mission?

“Hyuck, this religion wants to eradicate all infidels, but I guess we can’t do nuttin’ about it, the constitution says we must accept them, hyuck”


“It is also true that this country was founded on the principle that we judge each individual and that anyone of any faith is welcome here.”

You’re half right, Carly. We judge each individual. And the judgement is that Islam is not welcomed in America.

“I actually believe that people of any faith make better leaders. Whether they’re Christians, as I am, my faith has sustained me through some very bad times. I battled cancer. I’ve lost a child. I’ve been tested.”

And your belief is your right, as well as Ben Carson’s. You’re wrong. Carson is right. If you want to stand by your belief that a Muslim would inherently make for a better leader than a secularist, be my guest. But its my right to call you a friggin’ loon.

“But whether it’s a person of Christian faith or Jewish faith or Muslim faith or other faiths, I think faith gives us humility and empathy and optimism. I think those are important things.”


I call this image… Empathy

“And you would be fine with that?” Fallon asked.

“Yes, I would be fine with that,” said Fiorina, who is currently ranked second in the Washington Examiner‘s latest power rankings.


57 Comments on Carly Fiorina fails the test

  1. This is akin to the morons who bray “Innocent until proven guilty” like we, the people, are supposed to suspend judgment, not that a defendant is under no obligation to PROVE his innocence, only that the State is required to PROVE his guilt beyond the doubt of a reasonable man.

    Yes, Ms Fiorina got it wrong – all across the board.

  2. “I actually believe that people of any faith make better leaders. Whether they’re Christians, as I am, my faith has sustained me through some very bad times. I battled cancer. I’ve lost a child. I’ve been tested.”

    Oh so because you’ve been tested you’re a better candidate? What does that even mean? People who don’t follow any religion, but don’t call themselves atheists can’t be leaders?

    Muslims follow sharia law. They believe sharia law supercedes ALL man made laws, including The Constitution.
    That breaks our supreme laws that include following no doctrine other than The Constitution and not forcing religion ONTO the citizens.

    Fuck off, lady.

  3. I wish someone would ask ALL of them if they know the German word for “leader.”

    I’m sick of the assumption that We, the People, are simply sheep who need one with a bell tied around its neck.

  4. CSnarly is once again coat-tailing her way to media attention. It is evidence to me she knows she has NO appeal based on her ideas/positions alone. Desperate.

    The phrase “attention whore” comes to mind.
    But that’s an insult to real whores.

    “…I think faith gives us humility and empathy and optimism.”
    Yeah, I really see humility, empathy and optimism in today’s terrorists, bitch.

  5. Carson is correct, the rest are wrong and / or ill-informed. The Founders that wrote the Constitution recognized Christianity and its principles as the bedrock and most important pillar of the US culture and society. George Washington wrote to his troops in 1778:

    “While we are zealously performing the duties of good Citizens and soldiers we certainly ought not to be inattentive to the higher duties of Religion. To the distinguished Character of Patriot, it should be our highest Glory to add the more distinguished Character of Christian”.

    The Founding Fathers had little experience with islam and like many of today’s politicians simply did not understand its true nature. John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams, 2nd president of the US) became the 6th president of the US and reflected a deeper understanding of islam than his father had at the time of the Barbary Wars that America fought against muslim pirates beginning in 1800. John Quincy Adams wrote:

    “The precept of the koran is, perpetual war against all who deny, that Mahomet is the prophet of God. The vanquished may purchase their lives, by the payment of tribute; the victorious may be appeased by a false and delusive promise of peace; and the faithful follower of the prophet, may submit to the imperious necessities of defeat: but the command to propagate the Moslem creed by the sword is always obligatory, when it can be made effective. The commands of the prophet may be performed alike, by fraud, or by force (Blunt, 29:274).”

    He, like many of his compatriots by that time, recognized that islam was completely incompatible with the ideas of liberty and freedom set forth in the constitution. The Constitution’s statements regarding “religion” revolved around Christianity because that was the basis for the very worldview of the founder.

  6. Politically correct BS. I’m very disappointed with her response, but does that automatically disqualify her running for the presidency? No – not when compared to what the left has to offer.

    We are a Christian nation, Carly. It would behoove you to shore-up your support for the foundation of our principals and demonstrate your knowledge why, or at least acknowledge that, your potential voting base is constitutionally correct in defending their beliefs by contrasting our laws with those of Muslim nations.

    Stop pandering. Nothing good will come from it.

  7. I’m glad we no longer have a dislike button, but here goes – a defense for Carly:

    As a candidate, she must pander a bit — I am certain those who call themselves Muslim but do not follow sharia law are the same as those who call themselves Christian but do not follow the tenets or teachings of Christ. They are “in name only” persons. She need not alienate them. There are people who cling to their religion because it is easier than breaking away, yet they never really believe.

    Anyway, it is a moot point – no Muslims are running or probably will be for many years to come. This does not disqualify her in my eyes.

  8. MZ Hewlett-Packard ex is just another big nosed opportunist who is seeking the lime light…without regard for thinking things through beyond media soundbytes….”F” for Failure. Carly…now go away. We have no interest in you or you ideology…go pander to McCain, Boehnhead and McDoougal..

  9. Trump also went all PC on this issue and now Carson is pointing out modifiers like, “putting the Constitution first”. BUT islime is a political doctrine wrapped up in religious mythology to justify it’s main intent: rape, murder and theft. Not very compatible with the Constitution, now is it?

  10. Yes, we judge everyone as individuals. Couldn’t agree more.
    So for instance, if someone tells me they follow the quran and believe in sharia law I can judge that person to be an evil savage.
    I don’t want them on the same continent as me, let alone in the white house. Just look at how the current muslim brotherhood member worked out.

  11. She didn’t need to say anything, let alone get on a high horse in defense of Islam.
    If pressed, or simply feeling the need to butt in, she could have said, “People can be judged as individuals and the American public can decide on a case by case basis who is and isn’t qualified to be president.’
    Instead, class was in session, Islam Is A-OK 101.
    I found it to be more than pandering. It was outright CAIR inspired propaganda.

  12. The faith of the faux president is immaterial at this point. The question I want to ask American Muslims is:


    You of the faith of Islam, living in America, because you or your parents or grandparents fled your country, where will you flea to next? If you Americans of the Islam faith don’t stand up for America, the countries you fled will swarm over America. Then where will you go?

    America has always defended religious freedom. But religion is NOT ALLOWED to RULE over America, stripping the rights of people of other faiths.

    The separation of faith and government protects every Americans’ rights to worship as they wish, without fear of any other faith.

    The constitution protects every Americans’ civil rights. The the religious based SHARIA law, of Islam, DOES NOT!

    Think about it, if you don’t join your fellow Americans’ fight to resist radical religions of any faith, taking over our country, think, where will you go next!

  13. What’s to keep a non-practicing muslim from deciding to go all devout one day and actually follow the examples set by the murdering pedophile muhammad and laid out in the koran that the jihadis adhere to? There is no “safe” form of islam; there is dormant jihadi, and there is regular jihadi. Either one is ordered to kill you if you oppose islam. One follows orders, the other wait for the evil inspiration.

    When a luke warm Christian decides to get all devout, the results are 180° opposite of the destructive practices of the devout moslem who starts practicing muhammad’s islam. Christianity is the opposite of islam. Christians are the opposite of moslems. The koran is the opposite of the Bible. Good is the opposite of evil. One is not the other. No comparison.

  14. She has always been clueless about Pisslam. She called it a religion of peace even in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. For me, she failed before she started.
    She also stated the Pisslamic Ottoman empire was the greatest in the world. Wonder how Americans of Armenian heritage feel about that. She’s one more apologist for violent, volatile Muslims.

  15. I concur completely.

    But the other “Fuck off, lady/WTF?” moment came when she and Fallon tried to make it seem like she was off-the-cuffing a little tune about her pooch Snickers, and Fallon just happened to have a spare cordless microphone in his armpit for FioRINO to use.

    To me, it was a “moment” so cloying, so pandering, so painful, and so disqualifying that my teeth fillings started to vibrate with displeasure.

    If the effect was to humanize this wacky zombie broad, it was a fail in my book. I think she’s more than cold and desperate for power now. I find her creepy as well.

  16. MJA double that fuck off for me. I’ve lost a child and had cancer (and hate the expression battled cancer). So? That’s life and it does not confer any special rights or abilities.

  17. English is an odd language.

    Hannibal Lecter ALSO
    loved to have people for dinner.

    To Serve Man
    “It’s a cookbook!”

    In Trump’s case, in the 2nd debate, he also said Carly was a beautiful woman. So, I take such “compliments” from him with a grain of salt.

  18. There’s a big difference between having Donald Trump in charge and breaking a promise, and Carly Fiorina saying the Muslim should be in charge.
    Let’s get some perspective.
    Trump is pandering, Fiorina is elevating Muslims to the highest position of power in the world.

  19. Sometimes about the plastic face and phony sincerity reminds me of Nancy “Stretch” Pelosi. Obviously, not a fan. Never considered her anything other than a right leaning progressive just like the Bushes.

  20. Carly can easily be defeated and the establishment knows this. Us Californians watched her go down in smoke against Boxer. As soon as they start hitting her with all the Indians she brought over here to replace American labor she’s toast. Remember they pulled this on Romney too. Carly can’t win.

  21. All politicians are panderers. Fiorina, Cruz, Bush, – even Trump. It’s what the public requires in order for them to be elected. The only thing that counts is what they do after they are elected, and by then it’s too late. Want proof? Just look at Obama.

  22. Again, yuuuge difference.
    Firstly, this is partly Trump’s controversy (as well as Carson’s.) It’s not Fiorina’s.
    Fiorina had no business jumping in and offering a diatribe about the splendors of Muslims and how their faith is every bit as glorious as any other religion, yada yad yada. This was gratuitous.

    Trump was asked by a kid if he would consider a Muslim in his cabinet or on his ticket.
    He said, “Oh, absolutely. No problem with it.”

    That’s a blow off, it’s not an uninvited lecture to another Republican about how great Islam is.

    You think for one second a Muslim is going on Trump’s ticket?

    Fiorina wasn’t a pandering, it was a lecture.
    Trump has made his feelings known in a more expanded moment when he said “we have a problem in this country with Muslims, with training grounds, and we’re going to be looking into it.”

  23. If putting a Muslim “on his ticket” means what I think it means – i.e., as a Vice Presidential candidate – then that means that person has a shot at the highest position of power in the world.

    Correct me if I’m wrong on this.

  24. What Jeb is doing with Mexicans is not pandering. He’s laying out his policy.

    In politics, pandering refers to giving certain voters what they want to hear, it doesn’t necessarily mean following through with policy. They may throw them a little bone in the future, but it’s not a complete cave.

    Cruz is in the pocket of the Chamber of Commerce. He’s not pandering when he says he will expand legal immigration. He’s going to do it.

    I’m not at all in fear that Trump will be bringing in Imams to sit on his cabinet.
    When he says “I love the Mexicans,” do you think that means he won’t be putting up a wall and deporting illegals?

    Another difference between Trump and Fiorina.
    Trump is leading. He can say “ya, I love Muslims. Next question.”
    Fiorina is looking for a pathway to overtake Trump, and she chose to give a full blown schmaltzy lecture on the gloriousness of Islam.

    She wrote a huge tome and spoke about it at length after 9/11.
    She is in the tank with Islam.

  25. Haha! Whenever Trump says “I love “X””, it’s just a verbal tic. He is blowing the question off. He told her she was beautiful because he was done talking about it.

    I can’t wait until it’s just down to Trump and Fiorina. Someone here first used the term “scolding” to describe her personality. Ew. So perfectly apt. She’s incredibly annoying. Oh, and an outright liar.

  26. So funny to watch her dancing around like a crazy person, trying to find a chink in Trump’s political armor. And she can’t seem to talk about foreign policy without mentioning her “good friend, Bibi.” She’s not creative enough to move forward without trying to exploit what she perceives as Trump’s gaffes. Trouble is, we don’t see them as gaffes at all. If this were an Olympic event, I’d give her 5’s across the board. She’s a rank amateur on all categories.

  27. OK, I get it now. If Trump says something, we ignore it – it’s just a blowoff,.If Fiorina says something, we hold her to it, because we know she means it.

    No problemo, as long as we know the rules here.

  28. No MJA, it’s not too much. Because our nation was founded on Christian morals and ethics. So, a Christian would be the perfect person to be president……..No conflict with the Constitution at all.

    Islam on the other hand……..

  29. That pandering as you call it disqualifies all those that practice it from being. She does have other items in her tenure as CEO of Lucent Technologies, that does qualify her as a politician. She knowingly misrepresented the companies earnings by shuffling the liabilities. There you have it, qualified for government. Der Fuhrer, not so much. Fuck off Carly!

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