Carr: Once You Go Hack, You Never Go Back – IOTW Report

Carr: Once You Go Hack, You Never Go Back

Howie Carr: Once you go hack, you never go back.

It’s true — most of the people who get patronage jobs never return to any employment of any sort that requires, you’ll pardon the expression, work.

And the higher the salary a payroll patriot grabs for his no-heavy-lifting sinecure in the hackerama, the less likely it is he or she will ever return to a productive role in society.

The attraction of being a hack boils down to three words: It beats working.

Meet the hack du jour, Sabina Herlihy. She’s the latest beneficiary of a nationwide search by the failed administration of Gov. Charlie Parker, as Dementia Joe Biden calls him.

According to the state comptroller, Sabina has just been hired by the Executive Office of Health & Human Services as “dep dir board of hearing” for $103,942 a year.

For three days, I’ve been emailing the EOHHS and Gov. Charlie Baker’s office, asking them to explain the murky circumstances of this particular nationwide search. more here

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