Tipsters like to send me videos where cars are getting the better of bikers. I can’t condone what the driver does in this video sent in by CharlieWalksOnWater, but it has inspired me to repost this comedy classic (still a comedy stroke of genius.) Thank you CWOW.
The “Duke” was a hell of a shot! And what is up with those stupid teardrop helmets?
Somebodies GOT to do one with this kid shooting cyclists. By the way this is a little girl.
No blood. Wayne was only shooting the tires out.
They all had it coming. The wearing of spandex should be punishable by death. Especially for dudes.
I fucking hate bicyclists. They’re out here in the country in their little cycle jerk club ster fucks every weekend.
I live on a scenic bike route.
Nothing worse in the world than bike-ists.
I’ve said it before, but a fuckin’ bike-ist can have 5 yards of shoulder to ride on, but the insufferable grade A assholes insist on riding 3 inches from the road.
Classic is right. I’ve probably seen it 30 times and it’s still funny.
Around here all the male(?) cyclists wearing spandex look exactly the same: long faces, skinny cheeks,grizzled grey beards, ropy legs and poofy butts. What about elsewhere? Same?
And yeah, puffing up a long hill with NO SHOULDERS and a double yellow line. Can’t go over ’em. Can’t go under ’em. Can’t go ’round ’em. Gotta go THROUGH ’em. heh. PHenry, I’m wit you.
He did it for all of us, and that felt good.
Nothing like giving a biker room on a busy street only to have him catch up and beat on the side of your vehicle.
That’s probably how it would have gone in the Old West.
Pure Money Duke !
I tend to use my windshield washers when passing them
Five minutes driving in Portland or Seattle make that Duke clip gold
My favorite is “Cummins vs. Bicycles”…
Smoke ’em if you got ’em lol
Wow, one shot will kill 7 Indian (bicycles).
They ride in the road because of all the debris on the other side of the white line.
Ever see one out there sweeping?
Didn’t think so
I don’t have a problem with them other than please stay out of the lanes where vehicles should be and are. Don’t take over the road when you can’t keep up with traffic. To do so is maddening, stop it.
@Bad Brad: You come up with the funniest stuff! The expression on that little girls face is priceless!
LOL, I get this stuff from an extremely disturbed gun community. I only pass on about 15%. The rest makes my face blush.
I like John Wayne….and it was well done…..
but the music was….
“The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” theme…..shoulda been Clint.
Sorry I don’t see eye to eye with everyone on this. I’ve been known to do quite a bit of local commuting on bicycle myself. Thanks to people like this, I never ride without a loaded gun prominently displayed on my hip.