Carson Says We Should Be Cautious With Trade Deals – IOTW Report

Carson Says We Should Be Cautious With Trade Deals

Carson is saying trade is important, but with the right negotiations, obviously favoring the United States over some of the bad deals we’ve carved out. The Breitbart headline, saying he’s open to Obamatrade, is a little unfair –



Carson previously had come out against Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), the mechanism Congress passed earlier in the year which greases the skids for TPP and other trade deals to be considered more quickly in Congress without amendments and with no ability to filibuster.

“Free trade is a good thing, there’s no question about that—you look at a country like Chile that was really off in the woods economically and you look at what they’ve done with their trade policies and where they are now—but it needs to be done the proper way,” Carson said in a previous exclusive interview with Breitbart News at the South Carolina Freedom Summit in Greenville, South Carolina, earlier in the year.

We’ve seen what happens when you try to rush something through without having adequate oversight. We need to recognize that whether it’s good or whether it’s bad, we need to be able to have a complete discussion. That’s why our government was set up the way that it is. So, I’m all for a trade deal and for free trade and for the benefits of that, but let’s get the right input so we put the right things in it so we all benefit and it’s done the right way.

Now that Carson’s on the other side of the divisive issue which separates populists from elitists—polling shows that overwhelming majorities of Americans don’t support trade deals like these—it creates a massive opening for someone like billionaire businessman Donald Trump in this evening’s debate here in Milwaukee. Trump has steadfastly opposed these trade deals as efforts by global elite to ship American jobs overseas, and has consistently and repeatedly hammered the point home.

“The deal is insanity,” Trump told Breitbart News on Monday. “That deal should not be supported and it should not be allowed to happen.”

4 Comments on Carson Says We Should Be Cautious With Trade Deals

  1. Since every ‘free trade’ deal so far has been a massive screw job the average American so far, it stands to reason that future trade deals will be more of the same, if not worse.

    Free Trade – good for the bankers, lethal for you.

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