Carter Center Sued for Providing Support to Hamas – IOTW Report

Carter Center Sued for Providing Support to Hamas

FPM: The Washington Free Beacon reported Monday that the Zionist Advocacy Center is alleging in a suit that former President Jimmy Carter’s nonprofit organization, the Carter Center, “has used taxpayer funding to provide material support to international terrorist groups, including Hamas.” Given Carter’s longstanding and abundantly established hatred for the Jewish state, this allegation is no great shock. Nonetheless, the specter of an American President’s foundation funding a jihad terrorist group demonstrates how far we have fallen.

The Zionist Advocacy Center further alleges that the Carter Center “received more than $30 million in taxpayer grants while violating federal statutes barring it from using the cash to provide material support to terror groups.” Not only that: “The plaintiffs maintain the Carter Center has violated the law by hosting designated terrorists at is facilities, as well as by providing various forms of assistance to the Palestinian terror group Hamas and other known terror entities.”

No one who has watched Carter over the years can really be surprised. Back in 2008, Carter claimed that Hamas was prepared to accept the right of Israel to “live as a neighbor next door in peace.” He had no grounds for saying so, and it wasn’t remotely true, but this claim helped him perpetuate the fiction that the Israelis, not the Palestinians, were responsible for the failure of all peace talks and the ongoing tensions between the two.  read more

12 Comments on Carter Center Sued for Providing Support to Hamas

  1. Carter and his mainline progressive religion sycophants – supporting divestment and the concept of “refugees living in their own country.”

    Where did the Palestinians and Hamas come from Jimmy?

  2. Read this document and look at the list of endorsers – it comes from the Carter Center in Atlanta:

    It represents a lot of deception, nastiness, misguided “faith,” and the spiritual guidance of evil entities to be so wrong-headed by so many people.

    Pray for Israel, the peace of Jerusalem, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  3. @Reboot April 30, 2018 at 3:38 am

    > Shut it down, seize all assets, simple. Use the assets for veterans.

    Shut it down, seize all assets, simple. Give the assets to the Clintons. (You can’t expect Her to make any more cookies for another bake sale.)

  4. Jimmie loves dictators of any stripe. He has a gift for doing the wrong thing with a consistency few can match. I was hoping senility would have a reverse effect on the doddering fool but no such luck.
    I often wonder at how we survive with idiots like this so prevalent in our political class.

  5. I seriously doubt that at 90 years of age that Jimmy is in direct control of the Carter foundation. However if it is proven they have in effect given aid and comfort to the enemy then all assets should be seized and redistributed to homeless veterans or used to retire some of the national debt.
    We all remember how ineffective the Carter administration was so inequities in the Carter Foundation should come as no big surprise.

  6. Is this the asshole who hung the Shah of Iran out to dry?
    The one who gave us modern Islamic Terrorist Nations?
    He should be buried at sea, after tar and feathering


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