Carter Page Lawsuit Tossed – IOTW Report

Carter Page Lawsuit Tossed

Just the News

A federal judge has dismissed Carter Page’s lawsuit against the FBI and former Director James Comey alleging they improperly surveilled him under a FISA warrant.

The bureau surveilled Page under a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant in a process during which they concealed exculpatory evidence against him, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz found in his 2019 report, per the Washington Examiner.

Judge Dabney Friedrich, in a Thursday ruling, dismissed the suit. More

8 Comments on Carter Page Lawsuit Tossed

  1. Well, of course the lawsuit was dismissed, judge knows which side his bread is buttered on and more important, judge knows if the wrong decision gets made the punishment will be severe.

    The leftists are running rampant because the republicans have failed to hold them to account for many crimes, Clinton and 0bama come to mind, with their minions as well.

    What is critically important is that the left WILL NOT STOP the madness until FORCED to do so. If we fail to stop them through lawful means the result will have to eventually be citizen action. The republicans are supposedly the anti-leftist party yet they twiddle their thumbs and allow everything to slide while in the majority so every time the leftists are in the majority new atrocities against human kind are perpetrated.

  2. The dems and Repubs are 2 sides of the same coin. If you’re not willing to play ball, no matter what “party” you are, you just ain’t going far. The few that do manage to keep their integrity are put through a meat grinder or Scalied.

  3. Comey signed the warrants for the FBI under penalty of perjury that the facts therein were true. Sally Yates and Rod Rosenstein said if they had know the information in the warrants was false, they wouldn’t have signed for the Justice Department. So tell me why and how, at the very least, James Comey could not be sued? He should also be charged with perjury.


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