Case Against Hillary Getting Stronger; Friends Are Scarce – IOTW Report

Case Against Hillary Getting Stronger; Friends Are Scarce

hillary looking

The New American-

…While she may still have friends in the State Department sticking with her, it appears that the list of powerful people willing to help her out of this jam is fairly thin.

In fact, State Department officials may not be as interested in helping their former boss as they are in covering their own hides. After all, the State Department failed to secure her e-mail server even after Sidney Blumenthal, her close friend and advisor, was the subject of a hack that exposed several of his e-mails with then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The data-breach — by a Romanian hacker — actually happened in 2013, but included e-mails from 2012 when Mrs. Clinton was still in that office. Those e-mails were made public by the hacker.


33 Comments on Case Against Hillary Getting Stronger; Friends Are Scarce

  1. …she may still have friends in the State Department sticking with her…

    “Friends”? I don’t think so. Those sticking with her are doing so out of fear, not friendship. They fear being ruined by complicity with H-Rod’s criminally stupid email screw-up, or by H-Rod’s following through on whatever her blackmail threats to them have been to force them to do that “sticking.”

  2. You don’t need “friends” when you operate by extortion, murder, duplicity, and you’re protected by the POTUS with the vast power of the FedGov at his disposal, and who HAS to protect you to cover his own criminal acts.

    Unless you get the convenient Ron Brown treatment …

    There’s a saying on Capitol Hill: “If you want a friend, buy a dog.”

  3. It’s been widely reported that Bill brokered a deal with Obama that if Hillary helped get him elected Obama would do the same for her in 2016. Obama hates the Clintons. The White Hut knew what she was doing with her e mails but never did anything to stop her. Is it possible Barry wants her out of there because he realizes what a weak candidate she is, stands aside while she gets prosecuted, eventually names a hand picked candidate that will continue his work on destroying America and then gives her a presidential pardon on the way out.

  4. “I’m ready for Hillary,” said Terry O’Brien, warden at the United States Penitentiary in Hazelton Wet Virginia.

    “As long as she follows the code of conduct in the USP Hazelton Admissions & Orientation Handbook, she’ll be fine.”

    Bill can visit on Fridays until 8:00 pm, and Saturdays or Sundays until 3:00 pm.

  5. The sharks are circling her little boat, and the pattern is getting tighter and tighter.

    It’s the unelected Iranian troll ValJar behind this vendetta by Chinese water torture, carefully gift wrapping this series of leaks for maximum damage, but for once I don’t care what the despicable Iranian bitch does at her Master’s behest.

    I could sit and watch raptly, with a big old box of popcorn, while all of these shitheads destroy each other.

    Watch for Hillary’s right hand personal gal pal and (gulp) pearl diver, Huma Weiner, to be indicted over doctoring these classified files. Perhaps then, and only then, will this so-called “untouchable” crone realize that her jig is up.

    At long last.

  6. Hillary, you magnificent train wreck!
    I haven’t felt this much Schadenfreude since she lost the last nomination.
    If I am very good, and apply myself and behave, maybe I will have my wish granted that Hillary will get wise to the back stabbing from Val-Jar and retaliates with some heavy dirt on Barry, and we can watch the Demo-Communist party go up in flames.
    Lovely, lovely flames.

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