Case For Repealing The 16th Amendment – IOTW Report

Case For Repealing The 16th Amendment

Washington Journal

Regardless of what the actual tax rates are for millionaires and billionaires, it is long past time to repeal the 16th Amendment, which gave Congress the power to collect federal income taxes. We should abolish these income taxes for everyone.

Critics will often ask, “What would we replace income taxes with?” My simple answer is nothing. Who says the government must collect an income tax to function?

Although President Abraham Lincoln signed into law the Revenue Act of 1861, which included the first federal income tax, Congress repealed it in 1871. The 16th Amendment was ratified in 1913.

It has now been over a century and our national debt is more than $30 trillion. We can’t keep spending money we don’t have. Politicians are arguing over income tax rates while the real discussion should be about how to reduce the size of government and the national debt.

In response to Biden’s new proposal, leftists wasted no time claiming that the rich need to “pay their fair share.” More

20 Comments on Case For Repealing The 16th Amendment

  1. AMEN! Brother.

    Return to GOLD, GOLD, GOLD and SILVER!!!…Why? I sold enough 1-oz gold coins (worth #35,000 in today’s phony green (pink slips) “money” to buy something. I bought those same beautiful American gold 1-oz $50.00 coins for $2,255 many years ago!

    Inflation (debt) Proof!

  2. As long as we have a Federal Reserve and fiat money, repealing the 16th won’t help much. Oh, by all means, scrap that thing! But with a debt-backed money supply, the govt will always just keep on spending.

    So, along with the 16th Amendment, let’s repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 as well. I’m more than ready to use gold and silver backed currency.

  3. ^ Real money, Uncle Al?

    If we do that, politicians won’t be able to lie and steal.

    And real growth would produce real, sustainable wealth in a system that only grows if it produces a surplus.

    Then, you’d have a nation of free, sovereign citizens.

    But the owners of the FED get rich by inflating a fiat currency in a society convinced it has no alternative.

    They’re wrong, of course. But they kill or threaten Presidents that buck them.

  4. While we’re on the topic of repealing the 16th, let’s also repeal the 17th (direct election of Senators vs appointment by the state).

  5. Let each district provide an equal amount of money to fund the FedGov.
    It’ll stop racist gerrymandering AND budget problems.
    And yes, by all means, repeal the 17th and restore the “balance of power.”

    Wilsonian Socialism was the source of a great many of our problems – from gov’t expansion to the Federal Reserve to the odious Income Tax to the destruction of the “balance of power” among the States.

    Bunch of corrupt agencies could go, too – FBI, CIA, Helium Reserve, DHH, DOE, DoEd, DOI, &c.
    (see them all at:

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. The 16th amendment has nothing to do with the federal tax scheme currently being employed. The federal government does not force you to pay anything with minor exceptions. You volunteer. You ask for a Social Security number. You create an adhesion contract. Stop bitching, cancel your contract.

  7. Even without repealing the Income Tax, here are 2 proposals that would fix 99% of the problems America faces from the corrupt uniparty:

    1) Eliminate Income Tax withholding forcing everyone to write a check from their own bank account for their taxes instead of it being paid with money they never saw or ever considered theirs. The people would actually pay attention to how these bastards were spending THEIR money and
    2) Eliminate all early voting and move tax day to the day before Election Day, so the anger they felt at seeing THEIR money squandered by these crooks was fresh in their minds when they walk into the voting booth.


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