Casino Mogul Steve Wynn to Be RNC Finance Chair – IOTW Report

Casino Mogul Steve Wynn to Be RNC Finance Chair

LifeZette: The Republican National Committee is poised to name President Donald Trump’s former rival as the next finance chair for the party.

Billionaire casino mogul Steve Wynn was selected to lead the GOP fundraising operation into the 2018 midterm election at a meeting of RNC officials over the weekend, sources with knowledge of the meeting told LifeZette.

Identifying priority 2018 midterm contests and discussing candidate recruitment were also on the agenda for the meeting of party officials, according to the sources.

Wynn is a loyal Trump partisan and friend, booting designer Tom Ford’s products from his casinos after Ford made disrespectful comments about first lady Melania Trump.

The casino mogul served as finance vice chairman of Trump’s inaugural committee. The committee, which also included casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, raised more than $90 million.

3 Comments on Casino Mogul Steve Wynn to Be RNC Finance Chair

  1. Bingo! Steve Wynn is a patriot
    Somewhat off
    subject but I just read in “Newsmax” that The Boy Scouts of America are now accepting transgender boys based on what their parents say they are, not what’s on their birth cert. Looks like the liberals are plugging ahead unobstructed. God help us.

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