Catturd Tells Don Junior He Will Never Sell Out – IOTW Report

Catturd Tells Don Junior He Will Never Sell Out

10 Comments on Catturd Tells Don Junior He Will Never Sell Out

  1. What sucks is that Catturd also loves his fantastic governor, Ron DeSantis.
    So Catturd has to bite his tongue every time Trump & Co. make up bullshit lies about the best governor he has ever had living in Florida.

    For instance, today Don Jr. tweeted out “where’s Ron?” regarding flooding in Ft. Lauderdale due to a storm.
    As if RDS can control the weather.
    Don Jr. KNEW that DeSantis had already declared a state of emergency there and all governmental assistance that entailed.
    I bet Don Jr, HATED when Trump was blamed for natural disasters.
    Assholes will always use leftist tactics. They have no soul.

  2. The deterioration of a government begins almost always by the decay of its principles. ~~ Montesquieu

    Our present Government is a reflection of an unprincipled, corrupt President and his weaponized Administration.

  3. cato
    AT 12:25 AM

    Our present Government is a reflection of an unprincipled, corrupt, FRAUDULENT “president” and his weaponized, ILLEGITIMATE Administration.

  4. “Catturd tells Don Junior He’ll Never Sell Trump Out”

    Ten years ago … could anyone here have even imagined that such a sentence was humanly possible, or that we would all endorse it?

    So thats what The Grateful Dead meant when they said, “What a long strange trip its been.”

  5. DeSantis was never my President, so I have no confusion there. DeSantis talks a good game and that’s cool, but Trump made America better and scared the living shit out of Progressives and I want more of that!


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