Cats or Cat? – IOTW Report

Cats or Cat?

13 Comments on Cats or Cat?

  1. A few months ago, BFH did a painting of my cats. One of them has passed. When I show Merlin (the one still living), he becomes agitated. When he sees the painting of both, he is curious. When he sees just himself, he runs away. Go figure.

    Regardless, I love both paintings and think BFH should add them to his gallery ๐Ÿ˜›

    BTW, the one who I have lost is named Marie, as in Marie Curious, because when I adopted them, she was into everything. Merlin was named in a lottery at the job I had at the time, and it seemd to fit ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. My black and white kitty does the slow reach with her paw while she’s laying on my chest. Very slow motion towards my chin like she’s fascinated with some aspect of it. I wonder what’s going through her mind at the time.


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