Cause the power you’re supplying… It’s electrifying! – IOTW Report

Cause the power you’re supplying… It’s electrifying!

Keep away from electric cars.

ht/ fdr in hell

31 Comments on Cause the power you’re supplying… It’s electrifying!

  1. All those toxic gasses spewn into the atmosphere on account of a hoax.
    Another money machine – stealing from the taxpayers to enrich the politically connected.

    We need electric cars like we need broken glass shoved into our hemorrhoids.
    “A fool and his money …”

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Not related but:

    Scotty Kilmer just dropped a video about the US Government ordering 10 Custom Suburbans for 3.5 Million each for diplomats.

    verified at Carscoops,,, and others. There’s your 3.4 trillion plus as container ships are stacked up waiting on both coasts.

  3. Electric Vehicles are basically the world’s fastest tow motors that have to be beefy enough to lug around 1,200lbs or so of battery which is the equivalent of three Junior Samples, 8 Barney Fifes or 193 gallons of gasoline just to feed the beast and if you have a Ford Lightning, you can increase those numbers by about 50%! Wake me when a “gallon” of electricity weighs 7 or 8 pounds! Until then enjoy yer luxurious tow motor! Just don’t park it next to me!

  4. “No fire department will approach a burning battery-powered car because of the toxic gasses produced.”

    Not true. Fire departments fight fires. It’s their brand. Sometimes defensively and sometimes exposure protection, but firemen are well-versed to protecting themselves from “toxic gases”. There ARE complications, but bear in mind that fire departments don’t use water like you do. There’s a world of difference between your 1/2″ garden hose flowing 9 GPM and an 1 3/4″ firehose flowing 325 GPM.

    There are also chemical extinguishment options, but they are expensive, more complicated, and generally unnecessary.

    Here is a link to some current practices.

    Didn’t have battery fires like this in my day,but we had some that were difficult to extinguish for penetration reasons that could be ways to handle this now and clear roadways and remove life hazards from residential areas. For example, we had a garbage truck that the garbage burst into flames in and the fire destroyed its hydraulics so it couldn’t open or dump, so we couldn’t penetrate into the compacted trash to completely stomp the fire out. It was a busy street around a lot of people that didn’t want or need to smell unhealthy burning garbage all day, and the truck itself was still operable, so we knocked the fire down and followed it to the dump, where they had heavy equipment big enough to pick up garbage trucks and dump them, and no one minded the smell. Dumped it and fire out.

    In a pinch, you could do this for a 22 hour battery extinguishment with a tow truck.

    But you are NOT going to simply leave it burn and not protect exposures, and if the gases were toxic like that and a risk of explosion like that (battery explosions are fun, they spew flaming plastic and hot sulphuric acid pretty good even on a regular battery that welded itself to the hood in an accident), you’re CERTAINLY going to do all you can to reduce the life hazard to civilians, because IT’S THE JOB.

    So no, this is making it out quite a bit worse than it is. Battery fires are by no means fun or easy, but no FD is going to just run away from them like Sur Robin because “gases are scary”

    That’s just silly.


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