CBS Airs Puff Piece on Radical Left-Wing District Attorney Chesa Boudin – IOTW Report

CBS Airs Puff Piece on Radical Left-Wing District Attorney Chesa Boudin

You should know that name…


Lowery introduces Boudin as being “among a wave of progressive prosecutors who have been elected across the nation who are trying to turn protest into policy” by cracking down on law enforcement. Unlike most district attorneys, Lowery notes, Boudin’s own life has been “directly touched by incarceration.”

That’s because Boudin’s parents were members of the militant left-wing Weather Underground—an “activist group,” as Lowery describes it; a terrorist group, according to the FBI—and were sent to prison for taking part in a 1981 armed robbery that left two police officers and a security guard dead and several others severely wounded. For all intents and purposes, Boudin is presented as someone who is intimately familiar with the unfairness of the American justice system.

Boudin’s mother, Kathy Boudin, was released on parole in 2003 and is the co-director of the Center for Justice at Columbia University. His father, David Gilbert, is still serving a 75-year minimum sentence at a maximum security prison in New York. After his parents were incarcerated, Boudin was raised by Bill Ayers, the Weather Underground leader best known for his association with former president Barack Obama.


7 Comments on CBS Airs Puff Piece on Radical Left-Wing District Attorney Chesa Boudin

  1. I didn’t see George Soros mentioned anywhere in the article. Was he not involved in funding this commie scum’s election, or is this a willful act of omission?


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