CBS Finds Postal Service Not Able To Handle Mail-In Ballots – IOTW Report

CBS Finds Postal Service Not Able To Handle Mail-In Ballots

PJ Media

CBS News decided to test the system upon which the government will entrust the sanctity of the ballot this November. And the U.S. Postal Service flubbed it.

This is not about gaming the system, or voter fraud, or stuffing the mail with fake ballots from illegal aliens. This is about the competency of the USPS to deliver official ballots sent through the mail on time, and to the right people. They proved that the 100 million or more Americans who plan to mail in their ballots should not expect their vote to be counted unless they mail it weeks prior to the election deadlines in each state. More

21 Comments on CBS Finds Postal Service Not Able To Handle Mail-In Ballots

  1. A Friend of mine said

    “Would You trust the Mail with a Million Dollar Lottery Ticket?”

    After some sh*t from His libtard Friends saying

    “it’s not the same”

    I chimed in

    “No it’s not…a Vote is far more important than a Lottery Ticket”


  2. In that same vein, for the last few months many of my Amazon orders gets held up in the mail. A gift to my sister was supposed to be delivered yesterday but now the order tells me it’s late. Again. Where did it go? When will it be delivered? This happens with regularity. The mail is flooded.

  3. …gee, I don’t know,let me ask the guy with the electrical business on the West side of town with the same street address but different ZIP code as me if HE thinks the post office is doing a good job the next time we meet to exchange mail, should be Tuesday at latest…

  4. …of course, we have the computerized voting machines, so I’m pretty sure they’re throwing out my in-person ballots TOO, since nothing lies with a straighter, more untracable face than a program that’s programmed to lie, and I’ve yet to find a robot that either knows or cares if it’s lying, they’re machines, they just do what they’re told…

  5. …the only voting machine I trust comes in several different calibers and has several different weights and propellant loads available, has a simple point-and-click interface, and will work just as well on a cold November morning when they announce that they fraudulently tallied “Michelle” Obama as the winner as they did on a warm June day in a place called Bunker Hill when tyranny was advancing THEN, too…

  6. gin blossom
    JULY 26, 2020 AT 7:00 PM
    “I’m hand delivering my ballot to the voting machine even if I have to shoot my way in and back out again.”

    …our governor in Ohio, the reliably RINO DeWhine, simply closed the polls the morning of the election so his pal Biden wouldn’t get shamed even though it was illegal THEN for him to do so according to the Ohio Supreme Court…

    …note that he used his baby-mudering “health” witch to do it instead of doing it himself, for your safety, and has had NO legal blowback from it to date…

    …they did have a ‘surprise’ mail-in election a month later. What was NOT a surprise was that ALL the liberal wish list items and Biden won.

    …just a look at the future…

  7. Like the cries of past Congresses; The US Postal Service just needs more MONEY to be solvent and do the job they are paid to do.
    If you rely on incompetence, you receive incompetence.

  8. …Ohio has ALWAYS been govened by Democrats, they just choose to CALL themselves “republicans” every couple of cycles to pretend we have a choice, but they safely primary any REAL conservatives off WELL before the elections, so recalling DeWine would be like removing Bush so Clinton could take over, same thing, just more open with it’s corruption…

  9. I have several acquaintances across the country tell me almost every shipment of gun parts, ammunition, magazines (the kind you read) – anything related to the 2nd amendment – mysteriously sit in the major USPS mail hubs, sometimes as long as 2 or 3 months before delivery, and they often end up at the wrong addresses. This is not accidental, a mistake, an oversight, or a rarity.

    Both Fedex and UPS use the USPS for transporting packages.

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