CBS host shocked by poll showing 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants – IOTW Report

CBS host shocked by poll showing 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants


CBS News host Margaret Brennan on Sunday appeared perplexed by the results of a recent poll that showed majority support for deporting all illegal immigrants.

“Homeland Security says that President Biden has already deported or repatriated more people in the past year than any year since 2010. And then, depending on the details of what’s talked about on the campaign trail, some of what Mr. Trump talks about could be illegal,” Brennan said. more

14 Comments on CBS host shocked by poll showing 62% of registered voters support deporting all illegal immigrants

  1. It would be illegal to deport illegal aliens? Only a demwit would think that.

    I hope after Trump gets elected he’ll stop the asinine child naturalization edict…

  2. Some people have no idea what the general public thinks, mostly Mainstream Media who reports only what the Biden administration and the DNC feeds them. Half truths and damn lies.

    LEGALITY, Never stopped Biden, Homeland Security or the State Department from encouraging and allowing 10s of MILLIONS of Illegal immigrants into our Nation illegally.
    Another National Security Failure, a treasonous act allowing the public to be put at risk.

  3. “Homeland Security says that President Biden has already deported or repatriated more people in the past year than any year since 2010.”
    Ok, I’ll play. Let’s say this statement is correct. What is the ratio of those deported to those allowed to stay? Let’s visualize:

    Deportations vs Turned loose in USA
    …… ……………….
    …… ……………….
    …… ……………….
    …… ……………….
    …… ……………….

  4. In other words, most Americans want their country back from the Communitarianism of the Socialist-Marxist Leftists dragging our nation down to its lowest level of Suck!

  5. @Mr. Happy — You can tell iOTW to tell your browser to render text with a fixed width font (like the one you see in the Comment composition text box) by putting it between <code> and </code> tags.

    Note the difference (I hope this works!):
    w w ww w
    i i ii i

    w w ww w
    i i ii i

  6. Let’s see if that fixes Mr. Happy’s problem.

    …… ……………….
    …… ……………….
    …… ……………….
    …… ……………….
    …… ……………….

  7. Brennan says what President Trump has said may be illegal. What a dumb silly paid for Biden twit. Millions of ILLEGAL aliens have crossed the border, but what Trump says about illegal aliens may be illegal, she says.

    Proof that liberals do not honor free speech.

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