CDC and Media Say 61% of Americans are Vaxxed, but Data Shows it is 32% – IOTW Report

CDC and Media Say 61% of Americans are Vaxxed, but Data Shows it is 32%

Giving away free shit and providing other incentives has not worked. They inflate the statistics because they feel people will think there is safety in numbers.

That is why, next stop – FORCED VACCINATIONS.

They will strip away your freedoms and livelihoods until you have no other choice, and this will be cheered on by your neighbors.


The Kaiser Family Foundation gathered data from 2415 counties and reported that as of May 11, an average of 28.5% of people living in counties that Trump carried were fully vaccinated, while 35% of people living in counties carries by Biden were fully vaccinated.[8] It looks like the administration added these two numbers together in order to report good news about vaccine uptake rather than taking the average of the two which is under 32%. These data were collected less than a month before DeWine started scrambling to get the numbers up in Ohio.

By July reports of expiring vaccine stockpiles started appearing even in mainstream news, and state health departments started asking the federal government to send their vaccines to foreign countries so that they would not go to waste.

Robert Ator, a retired colonel in the Arkansas Air National Guard is in charge of his state’s Covid-19 vaccine distribution drive, and reported, “We’re drowning in this stuff. It’s starting to get a bit silly…”[9] The problem is widespread, with CDC data showing that states have administered 52.36 million fewer doses than were distributed to them.[10]

Marcus Plescia is chief medical officer at the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. He says, “We’re seeing demand falling off across all the states. It’s not like, if Connecticut doesn’t need theirs, it can go to Alabama. There just isn’t the demand.”[11]

ht/ Emanon

20 Comments on CDC and Media Say 61% of Americans are Vaxxed, but Data Shows it is 32%

  1. When I got mine on June 2 it was just a matter of asking for it while I was at the doctor. Anyone who wants it can get it immediately.
    I talked to my parents 10 days ago and my mom asked whether I regretted getting vaxed. I told her yes, would rather not have gotten it. It certainly reduces symptoms – the lower death count attests to that – but at what present and future risk? And I wasn’t at risk to begin with. I only got it for scout camp – which was canceled on day 1 because one kid from the prior week tested positive.

  2. I question even the revised percentages. I’d guess it’s less than 10% of our population…that’s 32,000,000 people.
    Imagine the logistics of vaxxing 32million people!
    Go to NewYorkCity…how long would it take to vax 9 million people? Medical staff, 24/7?

  3. If there’s safety in numbers, maybe the 50 or 60% (?) that aren’t vaccinated can dig in our heels and make vaccine apartheid nonviable.
    (I had SARS-CoV-2 last year and I’ll be damned if I’m going to get the vaccine for an illness I’ve already recovered from)

  4. They’re coming to take me away hee hee.
    They’re coming to take me away haw haw.
    Those narrow minded soy boys and Karens
    In their pretty white coats.

    To that happy place That funny place
    With barber wire and patrolling dogs
    And guard wearing leather with red armbands

    were nobody gets sick and life is carefree and happy.

    They’re coming to take me away (after they’ve taken my guns and self-defense tools that is by overwhelming force)…

  5. Inflating the numbers allows them to increase the pressure on those who have not gotten the jab. Again, if this data were widely reported, it would further erode the trust the public has in the CDC, elements of the media, and the White House.

  6. If it was really 70% with one shot and 61% with 2/fully as they’ve claimed why would they have this heavy handed approach to mandate. I don’t think they really know what the numbers are. Why else would they have people contacting us to check status. There was also story today that 1,000,000 have gone to get a third shot, sometimes mixing shots. People are nuts.

  7. Aaaaaannnnd let’s not forget that their stated goal is: “100% vaccinated”
    This is pure folly. They are well aware that they can never get to 100%, so guess what… this now becomes a “forever” mandate until they reach this unobtainable goal! It’s like built-in job security!

  8. The day they said the jabbed could take off their masks was their worst mistake. I knew when I saw NOBODY wearing a mask anywhere, and EVERYBODY looking like the cat that ate the canary, that the jab’s cover was quite literally blown.

    And now, in order to cover the massive jab deficit, they are trying to scare everybody back into masks by letting on that the jabbed still catch covid. A lot. And they simultaneously must blame the unjabbed for all the NeW cAsEs, because they know that almost everybody is shunning the jab.

    And when the employers and gov agencies realize what a mighty lawyered-up army they are trying to corral, they will have to back down. This is my fervent hope, anyway.

  9. A friend told me yesterday that her neighbor, a King County sheriff, put his house on the market the day after King County decreed its employee vax mandate. He is moving to Wyoming.

    How many more cops will Seattle lose because of theirs?

  10. Ronny got 80% of the votes around here. So most folk hereabouts are NOT SHOT! I m not. I believe so strongly in freedom that yeras ago I shed blood for freedom! Still believe in freedom; as clearly do many around here!

    Just a guess; only aboout 25% shot. I SAID A GUESS!

  11. Of course they lie about and inflate these numbers.

    The strategy is to fool the sheeple into thinking most everyone has gotten the deadly jab and only a few stubborn jerks are bring unreasonable and holding out.

    They have lied about all of this since Day 1. Nothing from the media is true.

    The biggest public health scam and lie ever. Cdc nih and several other agencies need to be closed entirely. They are useless and pump out lies junk science and fear porn.

  12. The Oregon Health Authority had posted that as of Jul 29:
    2,652,653 had received both Pfizer doses;
    1,782,367 had received both Moderna; and
    180,441 had received the J&J.

    That equals 4,615,461 people fully vaccinated.

    According to the website Oregon has a population of 4,237,256.

    So by the governments own official numbers, Oregon is 109% vaccinated.


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