CDC drops 14-day self-quarantine recommendation for out-of-state, international travelers – IOTW Report

CDC drops 14-day self-quarantine recommendation for out-of-state, international travelers


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on Friday dropped its recommendation for travelers to quarantine for 14 days upon returning from trips overseas or out of state during the coronavirus pandemic.

The CDC updated its guidelines on its website. Though the two-week recommendation was changed, the federal agency did caution travelers that they can still contract the novel coronavirus while traveling. more

9 Comments on CDC drops 14-day self-quarantine recommendation for out-of-state, international travelers

  1. Gee fellas, the 14 day business is at least as effective as wearing a mask in public.
    The New England Journal of Medicine says wearing a mask in public is useless.

  2. The dem panic porn tapestry is unraveling. I will bet good money that antifa/BLM will have a few lawsuits aimed their way. At the same time their rank-and-file are facing federal charges for assault, arson, etc.

    Pile that on top of the defund the police cities and their meltdowns and you’re going to have an interesting voter turnout in November.

  3. The CDC is also admitting now what all of us with half a brain have said for months, masks don’t protect you or anyone else.

    “While research indicates masks may help those who are infected from spreading the infection, there is less information regarding whether masks offer any protection for a contact exposed to a symptomatic or asymptomatic patient,” the guideline states.

  4. This is change #11 toFauci original drooling. When will this incompetent ass get fired?
    He and Quirks are a disgrace to their profession. He practices medicine as well as he pitches a baseball.

  5. Government one-size-fits-all solutions are rarely solution , just another fucking opportunity to push citizens around, like they’ve been doing.
    The pushback’s gonna be awesome.

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