CEO fired after harassing boy in prom dress – IOTW Report

CEO fired after harassing boy in prom dress

He had to know the risks. Free speech is no longer free.


The CEO of VisuWell, a Nashville-based tele-health company, was sacked after a viral video showed him harassing a teenaged boy for wearing a prom dress. 

A TikTok video that showed the 46-year-old man following the young boy and harassing and hurling insults at him, went viral. Social media users soon identified the man as Sam Johnson, CEO of VisuWell.

On Monday, following a backlash, the company condemned the incident and announced that Jhonson had been sacked. 


17 Comments on CEO fired after harassing boy in prom dress

  1. I probably would have said something too. However I think this guy pushed it a lot farther than I would have.
    I walked passed a crowd of skateboard toting teenagers a while back outside a grocery store, all vaping. Which bugs the hell out of me. As I walked passed I asked them, “Is it true the toughest part of vaping is telling your parents you’re gay?” The young girls that were with them laughed their asses off. The guys, not so much. I hope a few of them quit.

  2. That’s a hideous dress. It looks like it’s straight outta the ’80s with those puffy sleeves. Did the little fag raid his momma’s closet? He shoulda stayed in that closet he was raiding instead of making a spectacle of himself in his momma’s prom dress from 1983.

  3. Precisely why I’m VERY much looking forward to completing the sale of my business in the next 3-4 months. After that, the gloves come off when I’m un-cancellable and don’t have to worry about what anyone would try to do to “expose” me.

    I can’t say it enough, the freedom I look forward to most of all is simply not having to give a shit about what these freaks think if I don’t approve of them. And trust me, I’ll be showing a lot of open disapproval in due time.

  4. He has his free speech.

    He went beyond merely voicing an opinion to his companions (or whoever) that, e.g. he thought the boy looked ridiculous (or whatever) to acting like an asshole. And his behavior, which was fairly prolonged, was for the purpose of accomplishing what? Who asked for his opinion?

    How about if he had followed a teenage girl and aggressively leered and commented about the shortness of her skirt or her boobs.

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