Chachi Tweaks Coffee Jerk – IOTW Report

Chachi Tweaks Coffee Jerk

10 Comments on Chachi Tweaks Coffee Jerk

  1. I have great descriptor for the country during the Trump administration that Baio will surely like.

    How about “Happy Days”?

    Up your nose with a rubber hose, Libtards!

  2. Personally, I won’t patronize a business that hates my principles. For example, Progressive car insurance could have the lowest rates on earth and I’d never use them.

    OTOH I’ll go out of my way to catch lunch in Midland at a Chick fil-a even though I never eat fast food.

    I am a bit of a hypocrite because I’ll catch a flick that has Samuel Jackson or Matt Damen(or a couple others) in it. The Hateful Eight and The Martian were pretty damn good.

  3. I think I’ll start giving my name as Trump when I am at places that ask for your name when you order things then call your name out loud when its ready. Tweek the a-holes.

  4. Fuckin socialists selling shitty ten cent coffee for $5!

    What gross hypocrisy.

    never been in one and never will go into one; even if I have to piss behind the dumpster.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. @Anon, thanks, I like that idea. Rarely ever go into Starbutt’s. I prefer a locally owned place except she is closed Mondays and Tuesdays. Recently at the Auto Show we did a Mazda test drive and received a $5 Starbutt’s gift card. Think I’ll go use it tomorrow. How much is their small plain coffee any way? $6?

  6. @Eugenia
    I Think a small coffee is something like $1.75
    I’ve been in situation where SB was the only coffee place near where I worked
    Ask for the blonde -the lightest roast – if you are put off by the burnt taste of their coffee.
    (It still tastes like asphalt driveway sealant)
    I have to add about 7 quarts of make it drinkable,

  7. I hate Staebutts and I will never order a coffee or stand in a frickin long line to get a cup of their worse tasting coffee ever! We don’t have one those nasty ass Starbutts in this town. Good!

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