Chaffetz Appalled To Find Out FBI Uses Facial Recognition Software Culled From Databases Not Associated With Law Enforcement – IOTW Report

Chaffetz Appalled To Find Out FBI Uses Facial Recognition Software Culled From Databases Not Associated With Law Enforcement

The FBI uses all sorts of databases to find out who you are – motor vehicles, civil service IDs, you name it.

They see you in the street, run your face through various databases (that they bully their way into), and they know all about you.

This is illegal.

19 Comments on Chaffetz Appalled To Find Out FBI Uses Facial Recognition Software Culled From Databases Not Associated With Law Enforcement

  1. Most of them are all talk no action. How many times will we see Trey Gowdy righteously indignant for a sound bite then it’s over. Darrell Issa, another one. Other than Donald Trump I would like to know who in the hell I can support with the belief that they are who I think they are. Granted Donald Trump may not be perfect but I believe that he is telling us what he believes to be true. Who is it out there that we can count on? I like Rex Tillerson, he didn’t want or need the job.

  2. Joe6pak,
    I’m tired of the grand standing. It’s a joke. There all like “Here’s my shocked face”. Ever see one of these guys, after as many shocked faces as we’ve seen, write legislation to correct the problem they’re shocked about? It never happens.

  3. Chaffetz, Gowdy, Issa, pick a name, any Chairperson of ABC congressional comm, and they’re perpetually shocked, enraged, incensed, horrified, disgusted and committed to seek truth and apply justice for the American people when they’re on the dais with cameras rolling.
    Then they dismount from the throne, meet up for the 2 martini lunch, clap each other on the back & congratulate themselves on their performances.

  4. Yup, we have such a sorry bunch of so called leaders that I question whether or not we can survive them. What the hell makes these guys tick other than the pursuit of power and financial gain? Even the little guy that I am, I have walked from many thousands of dollars and personal enrichment because I didn’t want to look over my shoulder for the the next 20 years. These guys are immune to a sense of conscience.

  5. Brad, yeah but that is the currency these bastards trade in. They don’t even consider having to look over their shoulder. I’m still hoping to see some thoughts from some of us regarding who we can believe in. I’ll start:
    Mattis would be there but he has had a couple questionable appointees, Muslim brotherhood, Soros?
    Nicki Halley looks good so far.

  6. You could be right, Rand Paul rates higher than most. And I have a hard time not agreeing with him when it comes to Phase 2+3 of the AHCA. I will be the most shocked person in the world if it happens.

  7. Yea but, If phase two happens, phase three is pretty automatic. I got to hand it to Rand Paul, Trump probably throttled him the worst in the primaries. I like his Libertarian slant a lot.

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