Changing who controls ICANN jeopardizes our presidential election – IOTW Report

Changing who controls ICANN jeopardizes our presidential election

TheHill: Changing who controls the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) so close to our presidential election will jeopardize the results of how you vote on Nov. 8 unless Congress stops this changeover. When the calendar hits Sept. 30, a mere 6 weeks before our election, the United States cannot be assured that if any web site is hacked, the responsible party will be held accountable. We cannot be sure if a web site is a valid. We cannot be sure if one country is being favored over another. These are all the things ICANN is responsible for and has worked perfectly since the Internet was created. Why change it now and so close to the election? Why does that matter to you as a voter?
Take a look at recent cyber activity as it relates to the election. The Democratic National Convention was breached comprising the entire party’s strategy, donor base, and indeed, national convention. Everything the DNC had done to prepare for a moment four years in the making (if not longer) was undermined by a hacker who had been in their system for some time but waited for the optimal moment to spring it on the DNC – opening day of the convention. The FBI and other U.S. agencies, as the headlines blare, suspect Russia is responsible for the hack. Recently, Vladimir Putin went so far as to say, “Does it matter who broke in? Surely what’s important is the content of what was released to the public.”  MORE

12 Comments on Changing who controls ICANN jeopardizes our presidential election

  1. This has got to be one of the more stupid ideas of the Obama admin-and any President who loves the country and thinks of America first-would not let go of internet control like this. There has to be another reason why and I fully embrace any conspiracy theories about it.

  2. The fact that this is even being considered is treasonous. Why would anyone in their right mind give away their intellectual property, that they developed, to a bunch of commies and dictators. What the hell is the thinking behind this?

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