Chaos Erupts as Democrats Adopt GOP Motion to Restrict Chinese Access to American Infrastructure Projects – IOTW Report

Chaos Erupts as Democrats Adopt GOP Motion to Restrict Chinese Access to American Infrastructure Projects

Breitbart: Thirty-nine House Democrats defected and voted for a House GOP motion on Wednesday to restrict Chinese access to American infrastructure projects if those Chinese companies commit human rights abuses.

Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR) introduced a motion to recommit, which would limit China’s access to American infrastructure programs if the Chinese state-owned or operated enterprises or Chinese companies help construct Uyghur concentration camps. The motion to recommit, which was adopted by the House, will now send the House Democrats’ $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill back to the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and include Crawford’s provision to curb Chinese access to U.S. infrastructure projects as long as they commit human rights abuses.

The House adopted Crawford’s motion to recommit with 224 votes in favor of the measure and 193 votes against the proposal.

This marks the seventh time that the GOP has forced Democrats to amend their bill by approving a motion to recommit. The Republicans’ victory also calls into question House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA)  ability to control her rank-and-file members from defecting and voting for GOP measures.

Political experts and reporters have previously written that Republican wins on motions to recommit votes serve as an “embarrassment” for Democrat leadership. more

18 Comments on Chaos Erupts as Democrats Adopt GOP Motion to Restrict Chinese Access to American Infrastructure Projects

  1. “This marks the seventh time that the GOP has forced Democrats to amend their bill by approving a motion to recommit. The Republicans’ victory also calls into question House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) ability to control her rank-and-file members from defecting and voting for GOP measures.”

    This shouldn’t be an embarrassment but rather how our representatives should function. Representatives should vote on each measure based on facts and what is the best for the people they represent. If they are going to vote in lockstep all the time we really don’t need all of them.

    It would be great if this would happen more often. Our elected representatives actually doing what is best for our country and it’s people instead of what is best for their party even when it hurts the citizens

  2. Excellent. Now get their spies out of here. In one of her books Ann Coulter wrote about a spy named Larry Wu-tai Chin who worked for the CIA and sold vital defense documents to the Chinese for thirty years before the agency found out.

    Typical of government at all levels. Employees try to get away with as much as they can — coming in late, long lunches, leaving early, using every excuse to work the fewest number of hours they can get away with — like “My kid’s sick and I have to leave early to take him to the doctor.”

    Meanwhile, projects don’t get done on time and due dates are missed.

  3. Aren’t all Chinese Companies 51% owned by the Chinese Communist Party?
    So ultimately wouldn’t all Chinese Companies be said to violate Human Rights.

  4. @Steve T. July 2, 2020 at 8:37 am

    > Aren’t all Chinese Companies 51% owned by the Chinese Communist Party?
    > So ultimately wouldn’t all Chinese Companies be said to violate Human Rights.

    You’re the kind of smaht boi, who goes “all in”, right after the ante.

    (Oh. I’m sorry. Did you think that was a question?)

  5. Wait a minute. This is the seventh time this has happened? Why haven’t I heard about the first 6? According to all of the news I have heard, this hasn’t happened since Nancy became dictator.


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