Chelsea Handler – Huge Hillary Supporter – Tells Juanita Broaddrick That She Believes Clinton Raped Her – IOTW Report

Chelsea Handler – Huge Hillary Supporter – Tells Juanita Broaddrick That She Believes Clinton Raped Her

Last Saturday I was reading an article featuring Juanita Broaddrick. It was an in-depth profile about her life, her magnificent house and her keen investments. After a lifetime of hard work she is retired very comfortably. The best revenge is a good life. But sometimes it’s not enough.

In the article she said that with all of her good fortune, grandchildren, her passion for tennis, her well-rounded life, she just wants to be believed.


Believe me.

I sent a message in a bottle, never expecting to get a reply.

She saw it. She “liked” it.

Oddly, it was very special to me.

This story gets more special for Juanita, not so much for Bill Clinton.

Chelsea Handler, the avowed Trump hater, tweeted this-

Imagine being molested by an older man. Then that man denies ever doing it and then goes on and gets elected to United States senate. What kind of message does that send to young girls everywhere? And men to all the men who abuse women?

Broaddrick immediately responded-

Yeah,  I can imagine. I was raped by the Arkansas AG who then becomes Governor & President and NBC held my interview explaining the rape until after his impeachment hearing. But I’m sure you don’t want to go there.

Then something happened that signals that the left knows there is no longer anything to gain by the Clintons. There is no more left in the sponge to squeeze for the leftist agenda.

I’m sorry I’m just seeing this, @atensnut. You are right and I apologize to you for not knowing your story. Democrats along with Republicans and the rest of the worlds’s political parties all need to do better and respect the firsthand accounts of victims. I believe you.

“I believe you.”

Handler used the phrase that Broaddrick so desperately needs to hear in order to close her wounds. I’m happy for Juanita Broaddrick. I think the worm has turned on Bill Clinton.

But it’s not enough. Not for me.

I need Juanita to do one thing, and I will tweet this to her as soon as I publish this post, and I hope she sees it and follows through.

I want her to ask Chelsea if she thinks Hillary knows Bill raped her.

Any answer opens up a line of questioning that will not go well for Ms. Handler, or the left in general.

12 Comments on Chelsea Handler – Huge Hillary Supporter – Tells Juanita Broaddrick That She Believes Clinton Raped Her

  1. Sorry for being cynical. I don’t trust Chelsea Handler. She didn’t know about the sexual abuse claims against Bill Clinton?! She’s not being sincere, imo. She is saying she “believes” because Liberals painted themselves in a corner. Not one of them has any kind of concern for any victim.

  2. Rush has pointed out for a week that this throwing Bill over is the media’s attempt to say we know we were wrong, we should have done more 20 years ago but now we can (against Trump). So this belated response fits that storyline. Liberals always have an agenda and no I don’t accept this vile woman at face value. And no one wants Hillary anymore including her party and her response always tows that line.

  3. She also has to say that because part of the Dem line is that all women are to be believed. You can’t say all Moore’s (and others) accusers are to be believed but not Juanita.

  4. Liar! Liar! Pants on fire! It’s obvious Ms. Broaddrick was smitten with Bill Clinton and furious that he didn’t leave Hillary for her, and now she’s out to get him. She should put in jail.

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