Chicago: 5 months after a bike cop wiped out on pothole, it hasn’t been repaired — and it’s getting bigger – IOTW Report

Chicago: 5 months after a bike cop wiped out on pothole, it hasn’t been repaired — and it’s getting bigger

CWB Chicago: A Chicago police officer was injured five months ago when he accidentally rode his bike into this pothole near Boystown during a nighttime patrol.

Now, you might be thinking the city would expedite the repair of a pothole that caused one of its police officers to go flying from his bicycle.

And you’d be wrong.

As of Thursday morning – almost exactly five months after the officer’s injuries – the long, narrow, and deep hole remains in place. And it’s growing.

Oh, to be sure, the city did send someone out shortly after the officer crashed. They placed a traffic barrel and a bollard over the hole.

13 Comments on Chicago: 5 months after a bike cop wiped out on pothole, it hasn’t been repaired — and it’s getting bigger

  1. Kind of like a third-world hell hold, where they leave such things without even a traffic cone in front of them for years. If you happen to fall into one it’s your fault for not looking out where you’re going, pretty simple.

  2. Giant pot holes, feces and urine, drug paraphernalia and homeless camps. How many more examples of how liberal policies end do people need. This only happens where they have full unfettered reign.

  3. The Illinois asphalt crop was lost earlier this year to the Global Crisis Climate Bomb Catastrophe.
    A hybrid is being developed and should be ready to begin patching streets by early April. ‘Til then, it’s cones & bollards.

  4. In Oregon, they mark damn near every mile of I-5 as a construction zone. There is no construction, it’s just a revenue enhancer; traffic fines are double in a “construction zone”. In Nevada, they have a law requiring them to post a construction zone 30 days before construction starts. (Fines are double there too).


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